

Hi everybody,
I have wanted to ask this question for a long time but was hesitant for several reasons. I work out 5 times per week doing 4 cardio and 1 strength training sessions. The mornings after the cardio work outs, I have no trouble getting up at 5:45 for the ol' job. However, I am exhausted the morning after the weight session. I'm talking completely exhausted and grouchy! I used to do 2 weight workouts per week and went down to only once for this reason. I hate that feeling in the morning of exhaustion. I feel fine the morning after the cardio workouts, in fact I always feel good in the morning except the morning after the weights. I've noticed this for a couple of years now but thought it might be my imagination but I'm quite sure now that it is for real. Does anyone else have this problem? Is this normal and nothing to worry about? Is this my body repairing itself through the night and that's why I'm extra tired that next morning? I get enough sleep and I think my diet is good. What the heck's going on?
Thanks for any insight.
:( I have the same trouble after an intense weight workout. I feel sore and completely exhausted, but only after the upper body weight workout. It would be nice to find out what is going on. Maybe you could ask the same question to Cathe in the "Ask Cathe" section or maybe someone else has an answer for us!:)
Working out with weights is really not enough if you really want to get the benefits. Please consider rearranging your schedule - maybe you need 2 rest days per week, and rest AFTER your weight sessions. Just plan it in.
Lisa (& Lisa!), I don't have the same problem other then I always get sore from workouts but it goes away and really not sure why it is happening to you, but I wonder if maybe just working one body part a day instead of a total body workout might help. Just an idea. Also, I think it might be a good idea to post in the "Ask Cathe" forum also. Good Luck.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi, Lisa! I'm not sure what might be causing the post-weight-session exhaustion, but given that you don't feel any of that exhaustion after a cardio session, may I suggest you consider changing your routine so that each workout has a cardio and a weight-training component, a la Cross-Train Express series? And within that change, you could also play around with the order in which you do each workout, i.e. cardio then weights, or warm-up+weights then cardio. If strength gains are your primary goal, the weights B4 cardio might be the way to go.

Just a suggestion -

I'm only exhausted after full body strength, endurance workouts -- particularly endurance! That's why I prefer splitting upper and lower body workouts. If my legs are tired, then my whole body seems tired too, and tired equals depressed and grouchy. Could that be your problem?

I tend to do a legs only tape on Wednesday mornings -- the "hump" day. The rest of the week I incorporate a bit of legwork using Boot Camp or Circuit Max, and once in a blue moon, Body Max.

Since you work out first thing in the morning, I wonder if you need to get some easily digestable protein in your body before you start. This is just MHO, but it could be possible that you need a little fuel to burn. Maybe your weight work is consuming all the fuel you have left....I'm thinking maybe 1/2 scoop protein powder in a 1/2 cup of skim milk. Only areound 100 calroies and about 12 g of protein or so. Any nutrition/dietician people have some advice on this??

Well I clearly didn't read the post carefully the first time. I am sorry. You say you workout at night. And it is the next morning that is the problem. No ideas. Good luck.
Hi Lisa,

Like you I workout in the mornings - especially my cardio segment since this type of workout revs me up for the rest of the day. As for the weight training - in the beginning of my resistance training I would find myself being ravenous and sluggish at the same and no matter how much sleep I had or what I ate, I just couldn't get out of the slump I was in. I finally had to talk to my doctor about it. She suggested I add some additional protein so that my body can get the additional sustenance it needs so that I could burn or exhaust the muscles as I'm doing the resistance training. I've been doing this for about 3 weeks or so and my sleeping is better, in fact, I'm not sluggish during the day. I guess my body was talking to me. I use a combination of whey and creatine protein supplements, only on the days I need to - some days are better than others because of my work schedule. I ususally mix a scoopful and mix it with skim milk and it does the trick. Talk to your doctor - he/she maybe able to pin point exactly what your particular situation is. Hope this helps you. Take care.


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