Question RE: ab workout for short people


Active Member
An interview with Sharon Bruneau in Muscle & Fitness Hers Apr/May states that short people (under 5'5 or so) should not do ab work because we tend to be thicker in the trunk than taller people. She states "that's a muscle that will grow". Has anyone ever heard this before? I'm 5'4, 10 lbs overweight, apple shaped with a poochy lower belly. I've noticed my lower abs getting bigger, but attributed it to the muscle increase of being new to weight training (7 wks). If no ab work, then what? Please, hope someone can help! Thanks.
A Pilates instructor explained to me that the 6-pack look that some seek is really the result of building up the surface muscles & low body fat. Pilates & other types of core body work, work deeper. One will not get a 6 pack doing Pilates but can achieve tight ab muscles. Obviously diet & genetics play a big role in the results.

I've heard several people claim that Pilates really helped them lose their post-baby pooch after futilely doing traditional ab work for months. Personally, I like a combination of traditional ab work & Pilates type core work each week.

I'm not an expert, but I would think that body type has more to do with proportions than body height. Heck, look at Cathe! That woman has some awesome abs. There are a lot of short but willowy young women walking around the campus where I live. I'm also 5'4", but a pear. I too get alarmed when I ready body type workout recommendations that essentially tell me everything I do is wrong for my body. A sanity check w/ other fitness enthusiasts usually helps.
Hi Seed! Another poster just mentioned this in another thread. Here was my response...

As for short people not doing ab work, I have honestly never heard of this and also do not agree with it. The more "effective" exercises that you can cross train your body with, the more challenged and productive your workouts will be. Therefore, a combination of yoga, pilates, traditional ab work and any other exercise that challenges your torso will be wonderful for your ab conditioning.

I would also like to add that being extreme, or having the "all or nothing" approach to anything is not a good thing. It can set one up for overuse or lack of use injuries.

Hope this helps!

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