Question for WD


I know that you probably hear this all the time, but I will say it again, you have a beautiful physique. I know that it has come from very hard work and determination. I can honestly say that I am in awe of your accomplishments and you are my fitness role model. How did you start your fitness journey? What words of wisdom do you have for someone who aspires to look like you? Any workout advice? Do you have to workout 2 hours a day 7 days a week to maintain your physical appearance?
Thank you so much Kristi. I work out 6 days a week. I have worked out for quite a lot of years. I started with books and a jump rope, graduated to exercise records like Kathy Smith, and moved to Jane Fonda, and then found the Firm. I also did some Television exercise shows. It was on the Firm website that I discoverd Cathe. Now I have almost all of Cathe's Videos on DVD. I do not have the Classics one. I learned a lot from books and tapes from the library and have tried to apply them to my workouts. There was a group of informative videos that I checked out from the library called the Advanced High Intensity Training techniques which gave me some ideas for getting past plateaus. I have learned a lot from Cathes' videos. She has applied a lot of well thought out techniques. I don't want this to get to long and boring. Again thank you .:)
Diane Sue
Please forgive me, Diane Sue, for asking you another question. The AHIT videos from your library- were they by Philbin, or someone else?

I'd like to watch them too. I did a search on the name, and a few books and videos- only one video set- came up. The set is for coaches and concentrates on weight training.
Hi Connie,
THe Title of the series was High Intensity Training by Human Kinetics it is hosted by Dana Brown and Dan Drury. The series is called Advanced Strength Training Series. I think there were 3 in my library. This one shows how to design and execute a high intensity program. It also show how to deal with overtraining if I am not mistaken. There is also one called High Volume Training.

Diane Sue

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