Question for vegetarian/vegan pet owners


With all this talk about being vegetarian/vegan, the reason why I could see myself being a vegetarian, is the animal cruelty that I don't want any part of and that I feel I am condoning by eating meat.

So then I thought, well, but what about my dogs and my cat? How could I feed them? On one hand, I don't want to continue buying meat BUT dogs and cats are carnivores. I don't buy commercial dog food, my dogs and cats eat a wide variety of meat (I don't buy into the notion of the pet food industry to stick with the same food day in, day out). I can't feed them soy, tofu and protein powder all the time. Well, maybe cottage cheese and eggs if I don't want to go all vegan.

But wouldn't I be hurting my dogs in the process by feeding them something that is not "natural" for them? How do you reconcile the not wanting to condone animal cruelty and continue feeding meat to your dogs?

I am not trying to start a controversy, I am just stuck in my thinking. Does anyone have any thoughts, comments, suggestions?
There are commercially made vegetarian pet foods... I'm not sure about vegan products. So you could check out that line if you want to.

I have a dog and a cat (and two vegan horses :7 ), and my personal opinion is that I don't want to mess with their natural diet. As you said, they're carnivores, and I continue to feed mine meat products.

One thing you should probably check into if you do decide to change their food is to make sure that what you feed them gets them the nutrients they need. Carnivores handle food a bit differently than we omnivores do.
Thanks, Shannon!!

The problem is, I refuse to feed commercially made pet foods, too highly processed for me. That's why I have been feeding mostly raw. And what you said about dogs/cats being carnivores and you don't want to mess with their natural diet, is exactly what I am worried about.

I am worried by trying to save the cows and chickens of the world, I am hurting my own dogs. Does that make any sense?

I am just wondering how people who don't eat meat/dairy for ethical reasons (animal cruelty), handle the carnivore aspect of feeding their pets?
Dogs & cats are carnivores, plain and simple. I think it would be cruel to try and force a cat to eat veggies. It's not their natural diet and their systems are set up for meat (short intestinal tract etc..) It's all a part of the [insert corny music here] circle of life. That said, I do feed my dogs an all natural organic diet - not veggie though. Some day I may end up "trying" some of the veggie alternatives I have seen sold, but it will take a little more convincing to push me in that direction.

Just read your second post. I think that when we take on a pet (animal, cat, etc..) we also take on the responsibility to feed them their natural diet. We shouldn't impose our own food ethics on our animals. I would stick to buying organically (sp?) raised meat for them if I decide to make my own diet for them instead of buying prepared dog food. I wouldn't try to force them into eating something that their digestive systems were simply not made to process. The book "Being Vegan" answers a lot of these questions. I like Becoming Vegan better for those looking for more info. on just starting out, but Being Vegan has a lot of answers to these tricky questions. I believe she addresses the whole pet issue towards the beginning of the book.
I'm not trying to start a controversy either but like both you and Shannon said, why mess with what's natural for them? What is the difference between you giving your dogs raw meat and wild animals killing herbivores for meals? I feel for cows and chickens but I also feel we all need protein especially carnivores. Mother Nature is a b&tch at times. I've thought about going vegetarian with my dogs but I don't feel it's right to do it to them. It's not their chemistry make up.

I enjoy reading your posts, Carola. You always come up with interesting things. :)

Carola, I understand completely what you're saying. The thing is, bluntly put, that along the line, we're bound to have to do things we don't completely agree with. I don't mean this as any form of attack - you know that!

Take, for example, workout shoes - or shoes in general. My personal experience has shown me that shoes made with leather work best for my feet. Other types cause too many problems. So I buy leather shoes to save me the agony of sore, damaged feet.

And horse riding... when I used to ride, I tried purchasing non-leather tack. I hated it. First, it simply did not match the quality of good leather tack. Second, it was synthetic, made largely of petroleum-based products... so what was worse? Using animal hide or supporting the petroleum industry?

Back to pet food. You could talk to your vet about creating a vegetarian diet for them. He/she might be able to provide some good resources. You could also consider buying organic, range-fed meats for them... I know that's expensive, but it would at least reduce the change that the animals were treated humanely before they were turned into meat.
Having dogs go veg*n is not a problem. There are several vegetarian/vegan dog foods available, and they are more omnivorious than are cats (who often don't do well on veg*n diets: though there was a lion named Little Tyke who voluntarily was a vegetarian, after his mother killed his litter mates, and the was seemingly repelled by the smell of blood, despite many attempts of his handlers to make him eat meat).

If I had dogs, I would feed them vegetarian/vegan dog food (you can get some at or

Or here:

Or here (made by a woman who fed her dog a vegetarian diet for 25 years--a pretty good life span, I'd have to say!):

Do a search, and you'll find many other possibilities.

There are also recipes available for making your own dog food---they can eat many of the meals you would fix for yourself, perhaps with the additional of Vegedog supplement. Here's one book:

I have often tussled with the contradiction of being 100% vegan...except for my cats, who eat regular cat food. I try to keep them lower on the food chain, and get organic food, but that doesn't really solve the ethical dilemma I find myself in at times. It would be so much easier if I were a dog person!

>Take, for example, workout shoes - or shoes in general. My
>personal experience has shown me that shoes made with leather
>work best for my feet. Other types cause too many problems. So
>I buy leather shoes to save me the agony of sore, damaged

I have several pairs of Ryka non-leather shoes, as well as Birkenstocks, Earth shoes, etc., that are non-leather. I've never had any problems with them.
Hi Carola,

I would look for meat sources where the animals are humanely raised, treated, and slaughtered. It may be pricier, depending on what you're currently feeding. That's how I feed me. :)

Have you ever read "The Omnivore's Dilemma", by Michael Pollan? It's a good read about the food chain and our relationship to the plants and animals in it. It might help with the dilemma you're finding yourself in.


Gayle - Omnivore
I think it is accepted that dogs can do well without meat in their diet but cats not so much. I believe the differance is that dogs are ominvores but cats are carnivores. I am a strict Vegan on most things but I buy cat food that is made from meat. I try to do the best I can by buying free range organic based cat food. It is something I struggle with but I do not want to put my cat's health at risk. :-(
Wow, many great answers, thanks guys!

Shannon, I never for one moment thought of your comment as an attack. Actually, I do think we think along the same lines! I think my major problem that I am such a 100 % all or nothing person that I sometimes lose the big picture.

Lisa, thanks for the compliment that I post interesting topics :) I am flattered! I may have not been very clear in what my real problem is. I completely and utterly understand the cycle of life, and that dogs/cats eat other animals. And I don't have a problem with that per se.

For myself, I don't buy into the "ALL meat and dairy is bad for you" notion, I think everything in moderation is just fine and I happen to like meat every once in a while (I don't eat pork though) However, my problem with meat is PURELY based on ethical considerations. In other words, if I knew a cow, calf, sheep, chicken, turkey ....... was raised appropiately and "killed" humanely, I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it. I still couldn't kill the animal myself which is kind of hypocritical, but ..... Just the transport of animals crammed in transporters, beaten, abused, put on a conveyor belt and cut apart and skinned while they are still half alive, is what makes my stomach turn. And I don't want any part of this, by buying the meat, I feel like I condone it and I help the meat industry make money. I hope this makes sense????

But I think what Shannon, Liann and Gayle said, is completely true in its entirety! I don't want to put my dogs health at risk for my ethical considerations. I DID check out your links, Kathryn, I really appreciate the time you took, what I am seeing there though, is mostly "textured vegetable protein" and supplementing, and that's what I am afraid of. Don't want to do it!!!!

I am not sure about the organic meat though, my understanding is, that there is a difference in the way the animals are raised, fed, etc. BUT they also get slaughtered in the same faciliies. Does anyone know?

I guess I have been looking for a solution or an absolution, if you will, that I can never get when it comes to including my pets into a diet that is based on purely ethical considerations.

I will check out the book you recommended, Gayle. Thanks for the recommendation! I just feel I am stuck in my thinking and considerations, and with the all-or-nothing mentality that I have, things are not easy. Maybe a learning curve for me.

In the meantime I will just bang my head against the wall

Thanks for all your guys' input, I truly appreciate it!
Carola - I adore you! You are so very passionate about the things you believe in! I wish more people had your passion. It's an interesting subject. I'll ask on another board I'm a member of to see what they say. I also am a member of a raw feeding list on yahoo and they may have some answers. I can ask if you'd like.
Awwww, you are a sweetheart, Christine. I think you are giving me too much credit though!!!! But you just made my day!!!!

If you could ask, that'd be great!!! I have been doing a lot of research and so far I haven't found anything that I am comfortable with to subject my dogs to.

What you call passionate other people call lunacy though :) It's just, I always have to come up with something new to challenge myself and everyone else. I thought I had figured it all out with the raw food, homemade diet for my doggies and kitty. But noooooo, gotta come up with something else to screw everything up, never a dull moment

How are you doing otherwise? Haven't heard from you. I miss your emails :) Sending you big hugs!!! Loved your Indian food recipe by the way, I will try it tomorrow!

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