Question for those with thyroid problems


Hello! I have a question for those who have dealt with thyroid issues. I have been told in the past by my internist and ob/gyn that my thyroid felt slightly enlarged, but when it was checked via blood tests it was normal. Anyway, I was wondering if having a feeling that your throat is full or that something is in that area (where the thyroid is) is a symptom of a problem. I have an appointment for a physical in a few weeks, and I was hoping to wait until then to ask about this. Was/Is this a symptom for anyone?? BTW, I don't have any other symptoms except I have a terrible time losing weight.

Do you know what your TSH reading was? If it was between 1 - 3, you are probably ok. 1 to 2 is preferable for most people. Some doctors just aren't up on the new guidelines and think that if you are 4 - 6, you are ok, but you really aren't. That means you are hypothyroid. If your reading was below one, you are probably hyperthyroid. I also had that feeling that my throat was full or there was a lump there when I swallowed and turned out to be hypothyroid. I now take Synthoid everyday and my last reading was 1.25. I don't have that feeling anymore and feel great. Definitely have it checked when you go in for your physical and make sure you find out what your TSH reading is and if it's out of the 1-3 range and your doctor won't treat it, then find one who will.

Thanks so much for the info. It is very helpful! I don't know my number, but I will definitely be finding out sooner than later. The weird thing is I was at the doctor's office getting my cholesterol/liver checked since taking meds for my hereditarily high cholesterol, and I started feeling the "lumpish" feeling that night. Go figure!

Thanks again so much,
Agree with Cheryl that TSH should be between 1-2. I was going to a MD that felt keeping it at 3 was fine and I should be feeling good at that point. But I wasn't! Finally found a MD that liked to have it close to 1 and feel great at that.
I was diagnosed with Grave's disease 5 years ago, after going to the doctor with a feeling like somehting was stuck in my throat. My TSH levels were off the charts tho, so If your blood work is normal, maybe have them redone just to make sure. A feeling like that in the throat can also be a physical symptom of stress/anxiety. Good luck!!
It has been almost a year since my thyroid was checked, so the number (level) may be different. I am seriously thinking of calling the doctor after receiving this info from you all.

Did you all have trouble swallowing and losing weight??
I have Grave's Disease too. I was diagnosed when I was ten. I have been in remission for a couple years. I don't remember the full feeling in the throat, but my thyroid was enlarged. Unfortunately it went undiagnosed for almost a year so it caused problems. I lost way to much weight and it effected my heart.
But all is well now. I get it checked every 6 mo or so. I just had it done this week. Levels are slightly elevated, but nothing alarming for now. There is evidence that later in life my thyroid will stop functioning.
Probably not to much help for Teresa, sorry, but if you are having alot of trouble losing weight and don't have as much energy, you could be hypothyroid. Good luck Teresa and have it checked out.

Maeghan AKA megadoo[/img] [/url]
I don't have grave's disease anymore.. lol.. I had my thyroid radiated, So, I no longer have a thyroid, but do take synthroid to regulate my levels..
to answer your question, Teresa, Yes it was VERY difficult to lose weight in fact I gained a TON. I wouldn't say I had difficulty swallowing, but it felt as though something was stuck in my throat, and I couldn't get it out.
Thanks everyone. I am going to have my levels checked in 3 weeks or sooner if I feel like I can't wait. I did see that a year ago my level was 2.70. Also, the acceptable range according to my internist's form she mails out with test results was as high as 4.79. I will ask what the number is for sure. Thanks again!
I could have written this same post! At my last physical my doctor noticed an enlargement and had me go for an ultrasound. I have what they call multi nodular goiter. They are treating it right now with synthroid and will see if that takes the enlargement down. If it doesn't go down by July then they may need to do a biopsy. My bloodwork has been swinging between normal and abnormal. For the three times they've checked my thyroid levels, it came up normal once, hypo once, and hyper once (yeah right!).

No other symptoms here either but I also have a terrible time losing weight. That's the part that's so frustrating for me! After starting the synthroid I found that my weight fluctuates a bit more than it used to. I'm still trying to understand what I need to do with diet and/or exercise in order to maintain or lose now that I know I have a thyroid problem.
I am sooooooo glad that the correct range for one's TSH level has been mentioned here. Many traditional dr.'s only look to see if you're "in range" and if so, they don't address it. As was mentioned earlier, if your dr. won't address it, then find one who will. There are many alternative practioners who treat the whole person. I have not been able to get my levels lowered yet because I continue to react to things I've tried but I am getting to the bottom of why my body keeps reacting. You can feel better! Don't ever give up. You are most worth it!!!

Cheryl, your information is very helpful! I'm going to call my doc and ask her what my reading was when I went for my physical two weeks ago. I've been on the smallest dose of synthroid for ages now. My only negataive symptom is that I'm tired a lot. However, I don't feel cold, I'm not losing hair, and my weight is normal. But it never occurred to me to ask what my TSH level was. Thanks again.

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