Question for those that have done P90X?


For those of you who have done P90x did you use the recovery drink? I am on week three and doing well. I am having a hard time getting enough calories. I was thinking about get the recovery drink. If you have used it does it taste good and do you think it helped you?

I didn't use it, but I checked out the label info, and saw the proportion of carbs/protein/fat, and found a soy milk drink that was similar, so I took that after my workouts.
Yep, I do. I usually use just 1 scoop or other times use 1 scoop + 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder. It tastes like a vanilla creamsicle that way!!

I have found that it's really helped me w/ the soreness and started using it after my long runs. HTH! How are you liking P90X??
I definitely don't. If you're tied to a "recovery" drink, you can use anything you like. I like water. It's really not necessary unless you're training really hard - and P90X isn't that hard to justify it. It's just another product for them to sell and make money from. You can use a soy shake, or protein powder, or myoplex or whatever.

Thanks for your thoughts. I am doing really well with the program. This is my third time trying to do it. The two other time I started I got sick around week 7 both times and stopped. I always started in the winter so I think its was always cold season. I also don't think I was eating enough. This time I am eating my mine snacks thru out the day. Saturday is the end of week three. I don't see much change but I increased my weights this week and started doing almost all my push ups on my toes:)

I've used a recovery drink for a while now and I like it. I belive it helps. I not only use it after a work out but I will also use it during the work out for a little extra energy.

Ofcourse they say chocolate milk works just as well and I'm sure many other things will too. It's up to you what you choose to use but I'd say it wouldn't hurt to give it a try!
Yeah, Steph! That's great! I think my toughest weeks my first round were week 1 and week 5!! Yes, mini-meals throughout the day have helped me. Yeah for increased weights & pushups!! :)

The rule of thumb for optimal recovery is 4:1 carb:protein ratio. I personally like the P90X recovery formula, but I've also read that you can use 8oz juice & a scoop of protein powder as a good sub. HTH!
Me too Wendy! I didn't use it my first round and I see a big difference in my soreness/ recovery time since using it. I don't use it after every workout though, just when I really feel like I need it!
I have to admit that I will drink it even when I don't really feel my work out warranted it at just tastes so good!:7

I only use 1 scoop as well. I will use 2 if I use 1 during the work out and worked really hard and make a 2nd for after but that's it.

My DH is SUPPOSED to start a limited X rotation today after work. We'll see! I told him if he sticks to it, I'll join in after a couple of weeks. Think he'll wuss out?? :7 }( ;)
I know, it's the reason Tony works out! LOL

Oh, goodie!!! I would be happy to share what I've been doing w/ my dh for his limited X rotation if you want!! He's been doing it for about 6 weeks now and looking GREAT!! He's mainly lifting really heavy and just doing the weight work, none of the cardio (he just wants to build muscle). Tell him if my dh can do it, so can he!! }(

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