Question for the LADIES....


So I went to boxing last night for the Boxing Association and the first part was all jump roping intervals. I've had some bladder issues since having kids so I wore a super tampon and everyday pad. I totally soaked it and it went right through my shorts. Talk about embarrassing! I snuck out and put on my track pants after and don't think anyone noticed thank goodness.

Anyone else with these issues? Any suggestions because I really want to go again but of course I don't want that to happen again. I heard to limit caffeine and drinks before so will try that but kind of need to know what to wear?

Thanks in advance,
I have the same issues. It's quite embarrassing.

I've asked my doc and he just threw some pills at me. I read all the side effects and did not take them. I had another friend who went to an urologist and she had surgery to tighten the bladder muscles.

I would like to know if exercises will help or if it's just old age. Or is the only route to take is to pay my 5k deductable and go have surgery.
Hi Laura, I don't know how much help this will be to you but I can share an experience with you. Last month all of my children and myself went jumping on trampolines. I was anticipating having problems but I noticed that I wasn't having any at all. I have five children but they are all grown; the youngest is 25. I remember when they were young anytime I jumped, laughed, coughed, etc., my bladder leaked.:eek: What I'm thinking is that will time you're problem might get better because mine did. I haven't had any corrective surgery or done anything consciously to alleviate this problem. Anyway, just a word of encouragement; it does get better, at least mine did! HTH!
Yep, I've had the same issues. I find that kegals help a lot. Also I make sure and have an EMPTY bladder before doing any jumping. Good luck! I love that you are in a boxing club. I used to do that many moons ago, and it was incredible! We used to jump rope on thick, 6-inch gymnastic mats (he wanted it to be like jumping rope on sand). BRUTAL, but SO MUCH FUN!!
I found that my incontinence problem got better from using my rebounder and tons of Kegals!

A friend had surgery where they put in a bladder sling in on an outpatient basis. She swears by it!
Oh yes, yes, yes. What you're referring to is called Stress Incontinence. As a fellow sufferer and a group fitness instructor, I can completely relate to your experience. This past summer I was finally able to do something about it.

I began seeing a physical therapist specifically for rehabbing the pelvic floor. I called it my Pelvic Floor Personal Training sessions :D. A few sessions with her, and a lot of proper kegeling between visits, and I haven't had an episode in weeks. I can do jumping jacks, skip rope, all that good stuff. The difference now is I've learned how to activate the right muscles to prevent the leak. Kegels DO work, if you do them. A big part of the personal training was teaching me to identify which muscles to engage, and how hard to engage them. After having children, that neuromuscular connection can become disrupted, and needs to be consciously relearned. My hospital runs this program through their urogynocology clinic.

To continue with my strengthening and control of the pelvic floor, I recently signed up for a pilates course led by a physiotherapist, called Core and the Floor. We're learning how to keep the pelvic floor and core properly engaged through various movements patterns. She also gives us homework to do between each session.

There's a great book on the market called "I Laughed So Hard I Peed my Pants" . I don't have the author's name handy right now, sorry. She explains the different kinds of incontinence, and what you can do about it. She has a program called The Red Dot Program that can be very effective for some incontinence problems.

Leaking is not a "normal" part of aging. Weak pelvic floor muscles are also related to hip and lower back pain; everything is connected. The good news is that with a conscious, vigilant effort to do some simple kegeling, you can correct it.

Good luck!

I wear a maxi pad when I do aerobics, run or any jumping exercise. I'm gonna have to make a conscientious effort to do kegels!
Thanks for all the input. I am going to kegel and not drink coffee, water before the next one (Wednesday) and I've been trying to stop peeing and start again as many times as I can to help strengthen the muscle. I'll let you know how that works. Oh yeah, and bringing extra clothes :p


Its nice to know I'm not the only one with stress incontinence issues. Yes, laughing, sneezing, jumping or running any of those things will cause leak issues. I've had two kids and they are 13 and 15 years old. I did kegels back when I had them and still had the same issue as I do now. I have the added complication now of having Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis and incontinence is one of the things that is a issue with that so its intensified for me. I use maxi pads everyday and the long super ones for maximum coverage and absorbption. Its the only thing I can do to help and yes, making sure your bladder is empty before working out does help but its hard with MS since it effects the nerves and the ability to get the messages from the brain to the part of the body your dealing with. I might have to revisit kegels but they didn't help when I had the kids.
we'll see. Good luck and all the best to you.;)



Its nice to know I'm not the only one with stress incontinence issues. Yes, laughing, sneezing, jumping or running any of those things will cause leak issues. I've had two kids and they are 13 and 15 years old. I did kegels back when I had them and still had the same issue as I do now. I have the added complication now of having Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis and incontinence is one of the things that is a issue with that so its intensified for me. I use maxi pads everyday and the long super ones for maximum coverage and absorbption. Its the only thing I can do to help and yes, making sure your bladder is empty before working out does help but its hard with MS since it effects the nerves and the ability to get the messages from the brain to the part of the body your dealing with. I might have to revisit kegels but they didn't help when I had the kids.
we'll see. Good luck and all the best to you.;)



Hugs right back at you Nora. That is hard. Our kids are almost the same age. Mine are 16, 13. My issue seems to have gotten worse, but then I didn't start seriously exercising until 2004. Rope jumping intervals are by far the worst thing I've encountered with this issue. I first noticed it jumping on the trampoline. I did see the doctor about it and she said something about a sling but sent me to a pelvic floor specialist first but I am lazy when it comes to stuff like that. But if I want to continue to box I guess I will have to do something!

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