Question for Rotation followers


Although I've been a regular exerciser most of my life, it's always been more or less what I feel like that day with some attention to certain patterns on a weekly basis. However, I recently finished my first real rotation, TTA, with good results. A couple weeks ago I started a lower body emphasis rotation which I was going to do for 6-8 weeks depending on results. However, I got side-lined by a bad cold, and have missed three workout days.

What do you guys do when this happens? Start all over? Cram for a couple weeks? Add a week on? Am I obsessing? I was so pleased with myself for being organized, maybe it's not meant to be.

I'd be grateful for any input from you rotation veterans. Thanks.

You sound alot like me.I have only ever followed one rotationa and that was TTA.I have always been one of those people who just gets up and does what I feel like.:)
I decided to try another rotation and now I am in my fourth week.What I like about this rotation is I can still do whatever cardio I want to do.
I to am a bit sidetracked b/c I just got my new workouts and I want to try all of them. I plan on picking up next week where I left off.That would probably be the best thing to do and if you feel like you may have taken a step back , then add a week on.I don't think I would start over b/c I would ALWYAYS be starting over.:7

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