Hi Maribeth,
On another thread you addressed fast and slow twitch fibers and recommended workouts for different body types. I was wondering if you could suggest something for me based on the following information:
I am 5'4 weigh 135 and carry most of my fat in the middle. I am defiantely an endo: short, lots of fat, hard to lose weight, etc.
I started running recently and have noticed a difference in my legs and abs. I am currently doing Cathe's 16 week max weight loss rotation.
I beleive I probably have a majority of slow twitch fibers altho I do put on muscle fairly easy it's just hard to see it through all the fat. For instance, I have a "2 pack" but can't seem to get beyond that.
I am doing weight watcher's and it's working OK but after reading the thread where Aquajock blasted weight loss progtrams I don't know.
Any advise would be appreciated.
Thanks so much for taking the time to help us all!
On another thread you addressed fast and slow twitch fibers and recommended workouts for different body types. I was wondering if you could suggest something for me based on the following information:
I am 5'4 weigh 135 and carry most of my fat in the middle. I am defiantely an endo: short, lots of fat, hard to lose weight, etc.
I started running recently and have noticed a difference in my legs and abs. I am currently doing Cathe's 16 week max weight loss rotation.
I beleive I probably have a majority of slow twitch fibers altho I do put on muscle fairly easy it's just hard to see it through all the fat. For instance, I have a "2 pack" but can't seem to get beyond that.
I am doing weight watcher's and it's working OK but after reading the thread where Aquajock blasted weight loss progtrams I don't know.
Any advise would be appreciated.
Thanks so much for taking the time to help us all!