Question for Maribeth or anyone who knows...


Okay, I think I've really done it this time. I think that I may have really hurt myself at Kickbox class the other day ( thurs.). While kicking to the side, I felt a kind of click/pull in my buttock on the right side close to my tail bone. For the past couple of weeks I have had tightness and a general sorenss after running and kickbox ( dont feel this during spin class), I have even felt it during squats and dead-lifts. What do you think this might be? Should I have it x-rayed? Any advice would be appreciated.

fyi: About 7yrs. ago I injured/cracked my tailbone.

Thanks in advance...Deb Dailey
Hey, Deb,
There are several possibilities here--if you had a fairly severe injury in the past, chances are that you have some scar tissue in the area. Since there are fibers of the gluteus maximus that originate on the sacrum and coccyx, any activity that requires forceful hip extension, external rotation and/or abduction will pull on the area where you were injured.

It may be a matter of stretching your glutes well. While I don't think that it's likely you have reinjured the bone itself, if you don't improve after a week or so of icing, stretching and avoiding activities that cause the discomfort, get it checked.

Take care and e-mail me if I can help!
Dear Maribeth,

Thank you first of all for taking the time to reply. Your hunch about my, um, butt..sounds right on. I had been experiencing tightness in my mid-glute for some time. I am pretty good about stetching, especially after my run. I wonder now if my stretching and icing ( simply sitting on a cold pack) are too superficial. I went to spin class this morning with no consequence...didn't feel a thing! I'm grateful for something I can do until this passes. I did take an Aleve today and yesterday. I don't feel it when I walk, and only feel it when I run, jump, kick, or simply stretch out the hamstring on that side. Sigh. That's what I get for ignoring it.

SO, stretching will prevent this in the future? Is this sciatica? Should I see my general practicioner or a physical therapist? It is better than it was last Thurs. but can still feel it. Drats!!!

I really need to stop whinning, this is the first REAL injury I have ever really had. Now that I am over 40 I find that my body is not as forgiving as it used to be.

Thanks Maribeth. I really appreciate all the information you share and the spirit in which it is conveyed.

Debbie Dailey

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