Question for Hubby...what next after P90X


My husband has FINALLY embarked on working out and I'm very happy for him. He's really enjoying P90X and is about ready to start month 2 and he's still going strong. He's hinted at repeating another round of P90X when he's done which is great if he's not burned out on it by that time. In case he is, I want to have something waiting in the wings for him. I'm leaning towards Meso 3, which I already own. Would Insanity be an option or is there not enough weight training for him??? He's really into following a specified "program", does Insanity come with a training schedule?? Is there anything else out there that might appeal to him??

I cant find the "deluxe" set on Beachbody's website (the set of 13 discs instead of 10). I did find it at a site called Extremefitnessresults that says it's a Team Beachbody site and doesnt sell pirated discs. Is this legit? If I do decide to get Insanity I'd definitely want the extra disc, at least the upper body weight dvd. Thanks again!

I love Insanity, and I think it's worth the investment, but I would not give up weight training for it. I think it's a great program to build cardio endurance, but not for muscle building.
If you do not own all 3 meso cycles of STS, I would invest in those first. I think they are worth the investment. :)
what about p90x+? i love that program. either p90x+ or insanity would be good. if he wants tough cardio mixed with tons of pushups,get insanity.p90x+ is total upper,interalex,total body,kb, and awesome abs on the pullup bar.i enjoy the whole program,insanity too.but then,in mesos, he will be working the chest in a different way because of bench will cost more because u will also need to buy new dumbels,platemates,and wieghted gloves

I would suggest One on One with Tony Horton. I loved P90x and now mix and match these with his One on One series and P90x+. There are about 20 to choose from and he can pick what he likes. If he likes Tony's style ... I think he will really enjoy them.
Thank you for all the replies, they were all extremely helpful! I decided on P90X+ (had totally forgotten about that series). His bday is in June, and that's the same month he'll be finishing his first round of P90X, so great timing!

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