Question for Cahe on Abs and Lower Body Videos


Hey Cathe,

I've always gotten sound advise from you that I have used and continue to benefit from. I have a few questions I'd love to get your advise on.

Background info on me: 39 years old, 5" 3", 122 lbs, 3-4 pants/skirt size, muscular build, short torso/long leg frame, have never had children or stomach surgery.

My workout schedule: Per week, 3 cardio sessions, 2 lower body kickbutt strength workouts (your Leaner Legs and Strong Legs videos--less the abs sections), 2 upper body strength workouts and pilates for my abs.

ABS QUESTION: Although I have achieved much muscle definition and strength in my body, I have been unsuccessful in completely flattening my lower abs. I CAN FEEL the hard muscles underneath my skin in my lower abs but still have about an inch thick of fat (below my belly button - my pooch I call it) on top of my lower ab muscles. My diet is low in fat and healthy as well but I can't seem to get rid of that small but annoying layer of fat. My upper abs are incredibly tight and I have a very small waist so that little layer of fat stands out more in my lower abs region. I KNOW I can't spot reduce but because I saw your pre and post pregnancy pictures, I feel you are a great person to ask. I wanted to know what video can I purchase that has the best routine for flatten your lower abs (and how often should I do that routine).

LOWER BODY STRENGTH TRAINING QUESTION: I was looking to purchase another one of your lower body strength workouts (I use LL once per week and SL once per week right now). I was considering your Lower Body Pyramid Video but then I read about your new Legs and Glutes video. Which video would alternate well with Leaner Legs and Strong Legs in order to help me continued to build strength and muscle definition in my entire lower body region. I'm really quite strong and muscular over all (okay not as strong and buff as you but I'm getting there with your help).

Thanks so much, in advance, for all your support over these past 2 years and all your great advice. Your the best at providing various options that challenge the best of us home workout queens!

Wilmington, Delaware

BUMPING UP for Cathe to answer.

Cathe: I know you are busy but I have e-mailed you 2 x AND posted this several weeks ago with no reply. Please review/reply! Thanks so much! E
Since you're still waiting to hear from Cathe, I thought I'd throw in my 2cents regarding your AB question. I'm 5'4" and have had 2 c-sections. My youngest is 8 years old so I've had a lot of time to work on that lower tummy. My experience has been as follows: I always have had a bit of a tummy - even when I was a slender teenager. So some of it may be genetic. My lower abs got flatter when I focused on 2 things: increasing my weights for all strength exercises (I found I wasn't pushing myself as hard as I should) and really pulling my belly button into the spine when doing ab work, weight training, cardio, and sitting at my desk during work. A also found that when I eat really clean and lose 2-5 pounds, it helps. Monthly bloating happens, and drives me crazy. Too much sugar makes me retain water, and too much soda does too. The worst is alcohol. That really makes me gain weight - even a glass of wine drives up the bloat and makes me crave unhealthy food. From a workout perspective Cathe's body blast rotation with the Intensity series really worked. Again, I tried heavier weights. My weight actually went up a few pounds but I dropped from a size 4 to a size 2!!!! Are you eating enough protein and skipping the sweets and starchy carbs? That's my experience - hope it helps you! Take care and please post on what works for you!
Thanks so much for responding. I will take your good advice on how to decrease lower ab bloating and fat. I find eating clean is the best solution and drinking lots of water -- most times I really good with the eating (not always though) and I still need to focus on drinking more water.

Cathie: Please respond when you can. I certainly anxious to order another tape. E

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