question for Aqua jock or other knowledgabe folks


Can you suggest a reliable body fat monitor for home use that isn't overy expensive. Is it just better to use calipers?
Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
Hey, Likes2bfit!

Alas, I can't help you because I do not train individual clients, AND because I don't measure my own body fat content.

Whether body fat monitors are better or worse than calipers is also another unknown for me; maybe Honeybunch could chime in here and offer her opinion! My guess is that calipers are less expensive.

Good luck!

Here's my 2 cents: Calipers are not less expensive, AND you need to learn how to use them, which is not easy! I would go to your local Y and have someone check you for about $10.00. As for having them yourself, the really good ones are over $200.00.

To me it isn't worth it have them yourself....just pay to have someone measure you once a year or so.

My experience is that the digital monitors show on the high side of what a caliper reading would be.
Thank you Anette & Honey bunch!
So monitoring my BF annually is often enough? Great!

take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
Before I got certified, I'd go about every year and that's it. It ain't something to get obsessed over. I weigh myself once a week, and that with the clothes fit gauge and the full length mirror tell me what I want to know.

My body fat percentage has remained steady since I first got it tested three years ago.

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