Question for anyone


Hi Cathe fans,
Has anybody out there had a tubal ligation after having a baby recently? I will be trying soon for a second baby and I'm trying to decide if I should have my tubes tied after delivery. I am sure that I want to stop at 2 children. I'm only worried about the procedure causing me a rough recovery. I am hoping for a VBAC this time, and if having my tubes tied will cause another difficult recovery, I might rather wait for several months after the baby is born (assuming that I'm lucky enough to conceive) Will this minor surgery add greatly to my discomfort or will it make a difference at all?

Hi Lisa

I'm in the process of making the same decision as you, if I go VBAC I think I will have it done. My friends who have had one done immediately postpartum (instead of waiting the six weeks or so) have had no difficulties recovering EXCEPT that one or two of them had to go on the pill for six months to a year to regulate things menstrual-wise...which I wouldn't be looking forward to but heck a year isn't that long. However, I decided since I am going for a VBAC I am NOT going back to the OR for a tubal after I am healed (my doctor and partners will not do tubals immediately postpartum after a vaginal because of risk of hemorrhage) and my DH can (and will unless he wants four kids) go get a vasectomy since it is less time off of work, not invasive at all, and basically Band-Aid surgery.

Hey Lisa, I had my tubes tied after baby #3, who was a stubborn breech and a planned C-section. If you have a VBAC, then you would just be having the laparoscopic surgery to get your tubes tied, right? I've had a lap before (diagnostic for infertility). They are not too bad to recover from but I don't think I'd want to be recovering from that AND recovering from vaginal childbirth at the same time. If I were in your shoes, I'd tell my doc that if you have to go C-section, you want your tubes tied while he's in there. Otherwise, if you have a successful vaginal delivery, wait a few months and have the tubes tied then. Why recover from two things at once? My lap made me nauseous for a couple of days and I had the typical under-the-shoulder-blade pain that is so uncomfortable. Just enjoy that baby for a few months and get your tubes tied later. Just my advice, eat the chicken and spit out the bones! :)
What's a VBAC?

I also plan on having a tubal ligation six weeks after birth. My doc told me there was less chance of them growing back together if I wait till my uterus sucks itself back up or something. I never even thought it would be a painful, long recovery, nauseating experience! Yikes! Fill me in please. I've never heard the term VBAC before.

RE: What's a VBAC?

Hi Andrea,
I hope you are feeling well these days. I know you deserve to feel good after all you've been thru with the morning sickness.
A VBAC is a vaginal-birth-after-ceasarean(not sure of that spelling). I am just now in the process of trying to gather any information I can regarding tubal ligation. I didn't even know that they were considered to be more effective if done several weeks after birth rather than immediately after. That's enough to almost make me wait. Keep me updated on anything you find out and I will do the same for you.
No kidding Lisa

I never heard that before either, but I certainly want it to be as close to 100% (I know no method is 100%) as I can get...I think I'd go nuts with a fourth pregnancy LOL.


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