Question/Abs? recommendation for a friend



My friend is wanting to buy an Ab-Swing (I haven't seen the infomercial, but I saw a picture), it will cost probably close to $100 with shipping. She does seem to be a machine person too, but I was recommending tapes to her, b/c I believe she could get a much better workout with some Cathe abwork vs this piece of equipment.

I am not able to complete any of Cathe's abwork yet, but I have a feeling my friend is in pretty good shape and could probably get further than I can on it.

I don't have Ab Hits, does anyone think this would be a good tape for her? Or, I have mentioned (from reading here) a stability ball. Don't most of them come with exercises? Is there any Cathe tape that you would recommend, or anything else for that matter? I'm thinking Ab-Hits just b/c all of Cathes abwork seems tough to me. But from what I read on the intensity series ab work, it's alot harder & more effective for many. I only have C & W, so I don't have any tapes with the ball.

I'm just thinking this ab-swing will probably be a waste of $$ and since I'm not advanced yet in ab work, I don't feel that I can be recommending something. I want to recommend something fairly difficult.


Have you shown your friend any of Cathe's plank work? Have you tried her plank work? It kills. I also like the new intensity series ab work that uses an 8 lbs medicine ball. If you friend has some weights and a step at home you could recommend an intensity series work out such as boot camp. Boot camp has plenty of core work. Watch out though she may get hooked on Cathe and want to use all your videos. Could you borrow her one of your tape with Cathe abs so that she can get a flavor and decide if is challenging enough? I agree the ab swing will be a waste of money. Planks are free!!

Good luck with your friend.
ah, yes.. .planks!! I can't do them very well, but I try.

Oh, I just love the plank things where you put 1 arm/1 leg up!! I am always saying something like, sure, no problem. Then she has the nerve to say they aren't easy.. oh, really??? :)

I should let her borrow that tape.. I guess it's C & W. And, I see that leaner legs has a good amount of ab, but I haven't done that tape yet.

My friend uses a bowflex & really likes it. I dont think she has room for a step.

I'll have to get her a Cathe tape before she goes & wastes all that $$ on ab-swing.


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