Question about weight loss and calories.....


I'm currently 5'2 and weigh 195 pds (and I used to weigh a lot more!) My weight loss came to a stall about 2-3 months ago, so I decided to keep track of my food intake and calorie amounts. I've been eating about 1900-2000 calories a day, and I exercise about 5 hours a week. Apparently, I'm eating too much for my body. Even though I exercise 5-6 days a week, because of the work I do I’m almost motionless the rest of the time. :O(

This is my question: How many calories should I cut back? Should I cut back to 1600 on regular days, and 1700 on weight training days?

I refuse to go on a diet, however, I’m currently counting calories since healthy eating is still pretty new to me.

Thanks a bunch!
1600 cals sounds good to can eat alot of food with 1600 cals if you choose the right foods.I try to take in 1500-1600 a day and I usually maintain my weight although lately the scale seems to be going up but I have gotten into weight work alot heavier.
What is your goal weight??? Have you been doing any weight lifting?
Annabell, I do not think 1900-2000 it is too much. You have a lot of weight to loose. I would stick to these calories for a little longer, maybe until you hit 160-165. By eating 1900-2000 you will still loose weight, very slowly. This is the best way, the slower to loose the slower you gain. When you exercise 5 days a week, you could be hungry with 1600 calories a day. I think you are doing great!
My goal weight is about 135, since I'm large boned (I really am :O). I've been lifting weights 3x a week for about 1 hr each. I started using Cathe about 3 months ago, and I also started using heavier wts (15pd for back and chest). Could this be why the scale hasn't moved?
Hi Annabell,

It sounds like you are getting plenty of exercise, so I would suggest cutting back on your calories, but do it slowly, or you'll get frustrated. Try a week at 1800 and see how you feel, then try 1700 for a week, etc. Healthy eating and reducing calories is not as hard as it seems. Most times it's just a variation of your favorite foods, i.e. low cal dressing, fat free cheese, lean meat, fat free mayo., etc. You would be surprised at how many calories you can save that way. Also, are you strength training? Muscle burns fat so be sure to lift weights. Muscle also builds strength and endurance so you will be able to workout longer and harder. One more thing, give some thought to a heart rate monitor, by determining your target heart rate you can make sure you are in the correct 'zone' for maximum fat burning during your workout. Also, some versions actually count the calories you burned. It's done wonders for me. Feel free to email me directly if you want more info!

Good luck!
Hi Annabell,

I wouldn't cut my calories anymore than 1000, giving you an intake of 1800-1900 cal/day, and I'll tell you why.
If you cut back now at 195lbs to 1600-1700, you will lose weight, and probably lose for several weeks, maybe months, but then as it always does, your body will get use to that intake level and when you hit a plateau around the 150's or 160's, you'll be forced to cut calories even more!
It doesn't take that drastic a cut to see a loss happen. You really could cut back by 500 cal/day, keep exercising 5x/week like you do, and because you're causing a deficit your metabolism wasn't use to, you'll still lose.
I learned early on that if I cut back too drastically, I'd be one of those people eating lettuce leaves and green tea by the time I zero in on my last 10-15lbs, so why not take the reductions in calories slowly, so as I need to reduce my intake to meet a new goal, I won't be starving myself and it'll be something I can live with permanently. Afterall, if the weight loss is for life, it shouldn't be a "diet" but an adjustment to your eating lifestyle that is doable and maintainable.
I'm 5'4" and 175lbs and I eat anywhere from 1800-2000 cal/day everyday, and I still manage to eek out a loss most weeks (I had a bad spell with Ben & Jerry's a few weeks ago~but that's another story!) and I don't plan to cut back in calories until I absolutely don't budge off a number or tape measure for 1 month. And even then I'll take it 500 cal at a time. My goal weight is 135-140ish, but I want to still be able to eat and enjoy food while maintaining that weight.
Sorry for the book, but I just wanted you to know you don't have to cut back that drastically, afterall, leave yourself some room to cut calories later down the road when you're narrowing in on your goal.


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