Question about Quinoa


I really love quinoa and used to be able to eat it with no problem. Now whenever I eat it I get terrible stomach cramps.

Has anyone else had this happen? Maybe it is the brand I am buying? I recently bought it bulk from the health food store, so maybe that is the problem. Could it be that I need to prepare it differently?

I hate to have to give up this super-nutrious grain!

Are you rinsing it well?
Quinoa is coated with saponins : a bitter substance that helps protect it from being eaten by insects.

That's the only thing I can think of (usually I find quinoa easy to digest).

Some brands are prerinsed, but I always rinse it just to make sure (to rinse it well, don't just put it in a strainer, but put it in a bowl of water, swish the water around, and drain and rinse).

ETA: I just reread your post and see you are buying it in bulk. It most probably is NOT prerinsed then.
Thanks Kathryn. I have been rinsing it in a strainer, so I am probably not getting all the coating off. I'll try again with a couple of Tums nearby :)

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