Question about 'natural' PB


Question about PB anyone.... I bought some Skippy Natural Creamy and admittedly didn't read the label since it said natural although I did glance at the nutritional label... when I got it home, I looked at the ingredients and they are roasted peanuts, sugar, palm oil, salt. I was very disappointed. Isn't palm oil highly saturated? It does have 3.5 gm. of saturated fat. Just a little confused about this. I was trying to do something good by switching to natural
If it were me, I'd take it back. The ingredients should be "peanuts or roasted peanuts and salt". If you find one without the salt...grab that one!

The one you have is an imposter and must be burned at the stake!
Sarah.. LOL... unfortunately can't take it back. DD has already cracked it open. I was dismayed though to fine palm oil in "natural peanut" but the front label does say 'New! No need to stir, no oily mess' Skippy Natural, so maybe this is a new process they are using the make 'natural' more homogenized. I'll look more closely next time.
Get the "real" all natural kind, crack it open as soon as you get home, stir it up real good and store in the fridge. By dawn you will have creamy, healthy peanut butter with no oil sepration! If you like peanuts, you'll like this stuff because that is all it is! Mashed up peanuts. So good!
I had this problem a couple years ago, and took matters into my own hands. I make my own nut "butter" now with my food processor. I use a little bit different combination of nuts each time- but usually include unsalted peanuts and unsalted soynuts. Just put them into the processor and let it rip. You can make it as smooth as you like it, and even add a bit of splenda or honey (or whatever) if you want to. You just have to keep it in the frigerator, but it's totally worth the space. ;) :9

If you let the jar of natural pb sit upside down on the shelf (you can store them this way) the oil will already be down in the pb and not sitting on top. Much easier to stir this way, and then store in the fridge. No muss, no fuss!
Thank you for that suggestion! I was just thinking yesterday as I was stirring and spilling my precious PB all over ... "there has to be a better way"! Life is good ... !
Cath :)
I've had this kind of PB before but I'm not clear on why you need to stir the oil back in. Can anyone enlighten me?

I usually end up putting it on toast, so the warm surface made it spreadable. I can't see another point to stirring the oil in there.

Thanks. I know it's a dumb question, but I don't know the answer!
You don't have to stir the oil back in. You can pour it off if you want to. This oil is omega-6, which you get plenty of from other sources. So if you can stand the stiffer consistency of the peanut butter without the oil, save yourself some fat and pour it off.
>You don't have to stir the oil back in. You can pour it off
>if you want to.

I wouldn't recommend pouring off ALL the oil. The p.b. then becomes as stiff as hardening concrete! I pour off about 1/3 or 1/2 of the oil (no more! or it gets too stiff).

As for palm oil, I know that palm KERNEL oil is very saturated and bad, but I've read somewhere that palm oil is from a different part and is not as bad. Maybe on a bag of Newman's Own Oreo substitutes? They claim that palm oil is healthy, while palm kernel oil is not.

As for Skippy natural, well, they seem to be taking that term and using it in their own way, as in "doesn't include any artificial ingredients. I was suspicious when I heard Skippy had a "natural" version. With their standards, I could take a cup of crisco and a cup of white sugar and mix them together, and it would be a "natural" treat.

I hate the way food manufacturers play with semantics and make thing seem better than they are. If something has sugar in, it has "no artificial sweeteners." If it has aspartame or some other crap in, it is "sugar free." Kashi used to mislead customers by labeling their cereals as "Organic" (before the Organic standards and practices laws came into effect). One would assume that meant "organically grown," but there was nothing to indicate that. It simply meant that all ingredients came from organic (ie: living plant) sources, rather than mineral sources, I suppose. I almost stopped buying their stuff after that con job. But they have since stopped the IMO deceptive labeling.

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