Question about Muscle and Weight Gain

I'm glad everyone's happy about their p90X equipment. How much is that with the thread of 20 and then 15% off? Anyway, my real question was if you are truly gaining muscle wouldn't it make sense that you would also eventually gain weight? Or would you stay steady? I've seen definition but the weight has stayed the same and my measurements are still the same. So would you gain weight or not?
You would need to get your bodyfat tested to be able to tell. If you are losing fat and gaining muslce, then it is possible that measurements adn weight could stay the same. If you are only gaining muscle, then at some point you should gain scale weight.

What Colleen said..
And you can get somewhat of an idea whether you are losing fat by doing a "pinch test." Do you have any idea how much skin and fat underneath you could pinch at your waist before starting P90X (don't tell me you don't pinch once in a while..we all do, don't we, just to check out the old gut?). If you can pinch less, then you are losing fat (not a particularly scientific method, but it's cheap!).

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