Question about Jillybean's Endurance Rotations...


Active Member
Hello Everybody...and Jillybean in particular...
After 8 weeks of the Tank Top rotation, and three weeks of S&H, I've embarked upon Jillybean's 3 endurance rotations (featured in Volume 4 of "Rotations Greatest Hits".) So far, I like 'em alot, but am wondering about duration of each of the three rotations...right now I'm planning to spend one week on each rotation, followed by 3 weeks of S&H, then back to Jillybean's 3 rotations. Does this approach make sense, or should I spend more than a week on each of the endurance rotations?

I'd also like to hear about results from anybody who has tried this rotation. My goal is to develop more muscular definition (and a little bit of weight loss wouldn't be bad either!)

Thanks for your help.
Hi! Sorry, but I can't even remember what rotations I mentioned. I just finished 3 weeks of doing PH 3x's a week, now I am doing Body Max 2x's a week for 3 weeks (1x is all at once, 1x is split between 2 days), then I will do CTX for 4 weeks and move onto 3 strength rotations before the whole thing starts again. I'm not sure if I have lost strength yet, but I have gained definition in my shoulders and arms with the PH rotation. I can usually do strength rotations longer, but endurance rotations wear me out. I never want to wake up and go, "Darn, I have to PH again!" So I try to keep them short, 3 weeks, maybe 4. Hope that helped. Have fun!
>Where are all of these great


and thanks for your responses. Most of the Cathe rotations are posted at:

and there are also threads about the rotations on the forums. OR I will be happy to email a copy of them to you!

Jillybean, I'm in the middle of your second endurance rotation (it uses a smattering of CTX, Cardio Kicks, and Power Hour). Last week I did mostly CTX (was supposed to do BodyMax but chickened out!) Over the past two weeks, I've done three day splits with CTX weight work plus Power Hour. And trust me--I already know what you mean about feeling wasted! :-tired

Next week it's supposed to be mostly cardio, so I imagine I'll be pooped and ready for S&H the following three weeks! (Good grief, did I really say that?!?!?):-wow

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