Question about hi/lo on Power Circuit


I need some input. I did PC yesterday and really enjoyed it! However, the hi/lo portion was really tough on my knees. How could I modify that portion of PC? I'm not very imaginative in coming up with mods and that's why I'm asking here.

OH..PC.... I can't find it anywhere! I don't know what I have done with that video:-( I am currently doing the BFL program and that video is one of those videos that gets your heart rate up.
Therefore, I really don't know that answer to your question b/c I can't remember what it is about.You can just modify by not jumping,(which I am pretty sure there is jumping).Whatever CAthe and the gils do, just do it smaller.Even if you had to drop and do 12 pushups,I find pushups can get my heart rate up, and it is better then feeling pain in your knees.
I wish I could help more but it is one of those videos that when I find it, will be like a new one to me:) Have fun for me.
Did the low impact part bother you? If you have the DVD, you could do that part twice and then go into the step circuits, or if you have the VHS, you could do two heels on the right, two on the left, as opposed to knees and when she goes into the jacks and travel leaps, you could do scoops and grapevines. Just try to always keep one foot grounded.
Great idea! I didn't think of redoing the low impact...DUH. This is exactly why I posted...I knew I'd get some answers! Thank you!


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