Question about favorite packages


Active Member

I'm sure this has been asked before and I was wondering what workout packages to get? I have so far KPC, Kickmax and Low Impact Circuit. I also have Mindy's Interval Express (really like that too) and all of Jari Love's DVDs.

I was looking at the $149 package but debating about others and not sure which to choose. I would like to tone up for Summer and work on mid section the most.

Did you get Cathe's DVDs one at a time or purchase as a set?

Teresa, I got them one at a time (with the exception of the newest series) and I regret it somewhat. Once you feel that you like Cathe's personality and teaching style, you may want to consider getting the package deal. Looking back, I could have saved a lot of money and I knew I wanted to get almost all of her workouts. I'm not sure why I didn't just take the plunge.

It's hard to pick one series/package that is the best. I favor different workouts from different packages. My favorite weight workouts are from The Hardcore Series but my favorite cardio is from Body Blast. My favorite interval workout is from The Intensity Series and my favorite circuits are from the new set of workouts. Also, I love mixing the CTX cardio with weight segments from the Pure Strength Series.

If you can afford it, I'd just get as many of them as you can at one time. It will save you on shipping in the long run, because you'll eventually end up with them all anyway. I purchased them one series at a time (never one workout at a time). Once I discovered Cathe, I jumped on every presale she ever had, purchasing the entire series at once.

That's what I'm having a hard time with. So many too choose from. I am leaning towards the intensity series myself but the cost factor is what's stopping me. Just more curious than anything to read how you collect all them one at a time or through series. Thanks!
I started of with few individual workouts and eventually started purchasing them by the series. I actually replaced all my Cathe VHS with DVD's last year. It was worth every penny as all the workouts get used. Presales or bundles are definitely the way to go if you can afford it.

Happy Shopping,

Presales or bundles are the way to go. I found her and worked out with her from Fit TV as soon as I did a few workouts and new I was committed to her style I went for it. I ordered her timesaver and hardcore extreme off ebay and I had no problems oh and just recently her total body stretch and total muscle stretching they were brand new. I can not honestly say I have a fav I love them all but if I had to choose I love Bootcamp, Buts and Guts, KPC, and all High Steps.

Good Luck!

"Another one that proves equipment is not necessary to get the job done" -Cathe Friedrich

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