Question About Eating Post Workout & Leg Weight


Hi Cathe,
I just read a book on Fitness that stated you should eat something small (& healthy) right after you workout, or your body will start "wasting muscle" that you have been working so hard to build. What is your opinion? I usually don't eat right before or right after a workout, as I workout at 3:00 am and I don't ususally eat until 5:30 am. What are your thoughts? Is a small snack necessary? I'm currently doing your Hardcore Fatloss Rotation.

Also, regarding legwork....I tend to carry my weight in my butt/thighs and it seems like when I first start lifting heavier on my legs, I bulk up (jeans seem to fit tighter). In your opinion, will I eventually start to lean out. I know some videos I have they use no weights working legs or light weight and others use heavier weight.
I have had this problem of knowing whether to not work legs at all or no weight even though so many times we've been told we don't bulk up, I know the way my pants fit and when I do leg work my legs do get bigger. I think everyone is different so this may not happen to all, just like some develop other muscles faster than others. I do best when I use no weight, even too much step increases size for me, and I don't know what to do either since I want defintion in my legs, not just thin! Any advice Cathe??
If you can't bear to eat right after the workout, try to drink in your nutrition. A simple glass of 2% milk will do the trick. I read in M&F Hers that a glass of milk (flavoured with anything you like) after a grueling weights workout was perfect for stopping that muscle attrition. Odds are, your body will still be thirsty after the workout

I can't stand milk, but I do like fat free yogurt. The small one has 60 calories.......what do you think about yogurt after a workout?
And what about the leg question ... anyone?

btw- You could also try a Slim Fast Shake instead of milk.

Katy =^..^=
You really should eat something at 2 hours to 30 minutes before you workout. This is because if you wait more then that, your stomach is empty you really don't have any extra fuel, as for your body actually taking the muscle you were working hard to build it can happen in extream cases, like when you sleep for 7 hours, and then do a really hard workout and don't eat for another two or three hours after that. Your body is now in starvation mode, you haven't feed it for 12 - 13 hours, and it has no fuel, it will attack the fat some, but it can be really desperate and it will attack muscle if you do that. It's also the worse thing you can do as it can tear up your stomach as well, as your jumping around and swooshing all that acid around and it's making more and there is othing in your stomach to absorb it or react to it.

As for you legs bulking up, women generally don't bulk up, but you need to really stretch afterwards, as that losens the muscles and when your body is adding more muscle fiber it has a long muscle to add to and not a tense one which can play a factor in bulking as your body just nits and if it's really tense the body won't stretch out the new muscle fiber which will cause the muscle to be more dense and can bulk.

Also genetics plays a part in this, you have to have a lot of really lean muscles not to bulk, just take a look at some of the women in Cathe's videos, a few of them I would consider bulked a bit. The one tape I gave to my mother, the first thing she asked was, "My thighs aren't going to get as big as those girls on the video are they? They are big." She's quite thin, 5' 3" and wears size 0.

And it depends on your body frame as well. Some frames even lean muscle looks bulky, on other frames it's not even noticed.

Now here is a question for you, are you wanting to lift the weights as the videos getting too easy, or why?

And also what would you consider your legs right now? Super skinny, slim, medium, a little stocky, chubby, thunder thighs/legs?

That will also play a part in what way you want to go, weights or no weights.

The Super skinny can add weights with no problem but would want to start slow.

The slim would want to add weights, but would want to be careful and do a lot of stretching aftwards.

The medium may want to but would want to stretch even more then the slim person and would want to watch how much weight they add, they'd want to add it extreamly slow and do more endurance toning then to build muscle. As it will build muscle really slowly and you can see where to stop.

The little stocky, chubby, and thunder would really want to concentrate on diet and aerobics. As stepping will add muscle tone, and you want to lose the fat before you start to strength train heavily. Mostly because if your muscles just puff a little it will look like they really bulked when they haven't.

Also if you feel your starting to bulk or don't like that you added 1/2 and inch onto your legs, drop the weights from then on, and take a break from strength training you'll usually will see signs of unbulking in a month or so, make sure you stretch like crazy. My calves like to puff up when I do a lot of step, so during my rest week they are my main target for stretching as well as I try to take it easy with them when I do aerobics, I drop back to floor exercise that focus more on moving all over then using the leg as not only the main movement but do things to strengthen the muscles. I've always had my calves unpuff by the end of the week. And when I do that rotation again, I make sure to go a bit easier, the next time around.

As long as you pay attention go ahead and use weights, and measure yourself once a week, when you start to get results you don't like that is time to either drop to a lighter weight or drop the weights. Remember you are in full control of your body, so if you try something you you don't like what you see stop, as you can't maintain the muscle mass if you don't keep stressing the same msucle with the same heavyness of weight over and over. As that is how you create muscles, each time you go up in weight your creating heavier and more denser muscles. So if you stop, and drop back, you are not maintaining it. Just like if you decided to go sit on the couch for a week and not move, all your muscles would be weak and some would even be floppy to some extent. This is the same deal.

I for got to mention, you do really need carbs before and after your workout, carbs are easiet to break down, some protein is good too, but make sure you got some carbs, so your body has some instant energy, so it can break down the protein your giving it, and break it down right, as protein takes a lot of work and energy to break down. And that sounds good at first until you realize if your body doesn't have the energy to break that down, it will turn around and take the fuel it was going to use to give you new muscle and use it to break down the protein you just ate so it can have some energy, as you've drained your body of it.

Also do try to eat about every 3-4 hours you're awake, you will burn a lot more calories during your workouts, and your body will never be depleted, which means it won't even think about storing anything as fat. The longer you go without eatting and then working out on top of it, the first 100 calories or so, your body will try to swip and turn it into fat, as you just tried to strave it to death and it isn't going to ever let you do that again. So now it has food for when you do that. So basically you won't be losing any fat you will just be in the process of a fat cycle, you deplete and then rebuild and deplete and then rebuild. I rmember when we ran a siminar at the gym about this, and I had so many exercises that wouldn't believe it, even though they were shown, quite a few different ways that it was true, as well as being able to have 5 doctors and 3 scientist, 4 top dieticians from around the west coast and a lot of dieticians from all around the state who came just to see the seminar, and take notes and get the info packet on it. Most of them instantly agreed, as it made since and it had been proven quite a few ways, but the exercises wanted to argue about it. I'm not exactly sure why they wanted to disbelieve it so much, but once they finally gave in and started trying it, they were amazed, as well as really happy, most lost a least 3 pounds the first week of trying it and they all ended up having a lot more energy, by the end of a month a lot of them had broken their exercise plateaus and were nearly doing twice the workout they had been. And they loved to brag about how much more energy they had, and a few even demanded why we hadn't told this to them sooner, and those were the ones who didn't want to believe it in the first place.

You could look into Freestyle Training for slimming down the hips and thighs. With Freestyle Training you do weight training for your legs 4 to 6 times per week, using 70% of the weight you would normally train with. Just a suggestion.

hi, I've read that you should wait an hour after working out before you eat, but I think Cathe has mentioned getting protien after weights and carbs after cardio as soon as she can.

Also I had the same bums and thighs problemsas you x( but since doing the hardcore series and really working hard that tight feeling in the jeans is now a much higher bum and my thighs are really starting to pull in and look more toned than ever, :7 So my advice is don't despare keep going and I hope you start to see real results soon.:)
>hi, I've read that you should wait an hour after working out
>before you eat,.
Actually, it's best to refuel (eat) WITHIN about an hour of a heavy weight workout. There's a window of opportunity when your muscles need some carbs for replenishing (ATP stores, is that right?)and some protein for repair. I use a soy protein and vitamin/mineral beverage (Power Dream) that has a very similar macronutrient (protein, carbs, fat) to a "recovery" formula that one company sells for post-workout recovery.

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