Question about cardio

Monday I started doing a BFL Challenge. I am really confused about the cardio. I have done this program before, and know it inside and out. I just have always believed in more cardio. I am a endomorph, a person who gains fat easily, and has a hard time losing weight. I have been really thinking alot lately about trying to slack off on a little cardio, and go to 3-4 days a week instead of 6, and see what it does for my figure. Maybe I will gain more muscle easier, and slim down more. Right now I am doing the PS Series. Any ideas???Does anyone with my bodyshape have success on 3-4 days of cardio?? Thanks for your help!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-02-02 AT 10:27AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Lori!
I am more of an ectomorph I guess...6ft/185 lbs. I've done that BFL thing before and the key to that is the cardio is basically interval work. Intervals will shred bodyfat believe me! I do my own brand of intervals using various cardio activities along with weights on my "off" days. You probably don't need, and shouldn't do, more than 3 days a week of these type of high intensity interval workouts...if you are getting the intensity up where it needs to be, in the land of "uncomfortableness". The days of long low intensity workouts to burn fat are over I think. I tend to think the media played these up because most people love to hear that you can lose fat w/o working hard. Ain't gonna happen! I do those types of workouts with activities I really enjoy, such as mountain biking or blading. Activities where I mentally want to go longer. For pure fat burning and working out with a purpose......high intensity intervals all the way.
Alot depends on your metabolism too. For me 3 days of cardio is enough. If I were you I'd go with the BFL, make sure you follow it to the letter, and I bet you'll see results in a fairly quick time frame. Just make sure you really work hard. Alot of people think they are working hard but aren't.
Anyway...just my 2 cents!
Trevor :)
Trevor- I have a treadmill, and do the Aerobic Solution on it. But....instead, if I switch to 3 days, do you think I can do 3 days of interval tapes, like IMax, and Mindy Milera's Interval Express??? I like the treadmill, but blah....I much prefer aerobic tapes.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-02-02 AT 01:32PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-02-02 AT 01:21 PM (Est)[/font]

Hey Lori!
I am not familiar with Mindy Milerva but IMAX is definitely the kind of high intensity I am thinking of. Just make sure you get the heart rate up there for short bursts, then ease off, then back up, etc.
Intervals are very strenuous though, as you know, so 3 days of that might be too much. I prefer 20 mins. total per session usually. Of course, IMAX is longer.....How about 1 longer cardio session at moderate intensity in the middle of the week and do interval type work on say, Mondays and Fridays? Just to space it out a bit. It's your choice. With BFL it's basically all intervals for 3 days a week but it's only 20 mins. Just be careful and listen to your body, okay? ;-) Make sure you are getting some weight work too.
Did you register for the BFL challenge? Technically you aren't doing the challenge if you are doing aerobic tapes. Just asking.
My personal recipe for staying in great shape is:
2 or 3 days per week of high, HIGH intensity intervals using equipment, spin class, Cathe, outside activities, whatever. If I do 2 days then the other day is moderate and longer in duration. I lift weights heavy and slow and work all muscle groups very hard, free weights and machines...I switch that up too. I continuously shock my body....never the same thing twice in a row. I just ended about 2 months on the BFL style of lifting. Work HARD, shake it up to prevent getting in a rut, and think POSITIVE!
Don't be afraid to try new things....such as reducing the cardio but raising intensity liked we have discussed. It will work for you..try it.
Trevor :)
The first Challenge I did, I did it exactly by the book, workouts, and the Aerobic Solution. I got down to 19% bodyfat. I did sign up, and if you read the rules, it does say you can do your Challenge however you want, but it does reccomend the BFL way. I have a whole workout room in my basement, I could do it exactly as it says in the book, but I am going to use my Cathe workouts, and interval tapes. I am ordering some more tonight. I looked all thru Collage videos and picked out some new tapes. I am not out to win, I just want to complete a Challenge, however I do it. I did it once, and then I stopped, started, stopped. I am ready, and just want to do it. If I did win, and they found out I did aerobic video's, even though it says in the rules you can do it however you want, they would probably find some way I couldn't win. I just want to stick to plan, and do it. I will do all UB, LB just like the book, so I will be pretty close to doing it the way he says, just a little different. My food program is 100% on, so I have completed day 2!!! Anyway, thanks for all your help Trevor.
Good luck with the Challenge! You can do it.
What's your take on the eating plan for BFL? Think it would be easy to follow as a "rest of your life" kind of thing?
Seems very regimented. I never did it. I just go 40/40/20 with the ratios.
Have you used IMAX before? I love that one.....Cathe is just a kick butt instructor in all her tapes but that one is CLASSIC!
Keep up your good work Lori....I'd love to know how your progressing so give me a shout via email if you like.
[email protected]
T. :)
The BFL eating plan is pretty regimented, BUT it allows for a blessed cheat day, which is near and dear to my little heart. I can eat clean for six days as long as I know Friday is waitin' for me!

Do you remember Larry North? His infomercials were on a couple of years ago. I like his plan and his books better....they are more of something you can live with, and his workout plans are more flexible. My favorite of his books is "Living Lean."
The one thing I love on BFL is the free day!!!! It makes it much easier to follow. Bill Phillips is coming out with a BFL cookbook later this summer, I can't wait!!! I mostly eat the BFL way anyway, so the food part isn't a real big deal to me. There is a website,, it is mostly BFL followers, and they have a cooking library on there with tons of BFL recipes. I get alot off of there. I make a chocolate MyoLite with FF pudding mixed in it every night, and that satisfies my chocolate craving. I put it in the freezer, and put 1 T. of Cool Whip Lite on it, and it is like eating ice cream. I am going to stick to LB, UB workouts with Cathe, and do intervals on cardio day, and see what kind of results I get. Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!
RE: BFL Program

Dear Lori,
I started the BFL Challenge on June 24th(I actually was practicing for the past 2 weeks -- but cheating here and there) I'm having more of a problem with the eating. It's hard for me to get the 6 small meals in a day and when I don't I feel like cheating. The program is what I believe in and want to do it's just a matter of getting it done each day. Keep me posted as to how you are doing.

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