question about cancer


Active Member
hey co-worker and good friend found out that he has a tumor in his pancreas. he is at john hopkins university...well they removed the tumor from the pancreas, but while they were in there they found and removed two more tumors from his liver. he is only 31 years old and he has no history of cancer in his family is it possible that these tumor could be benign? or is it certain that because they found tumors on the liver that it is indeed cancer? they won't know until tuesday of next week...
:eek: It all depends on what they find on dissection of the tumor. I always thought that tumors on the pancreas and liver were usually malignant, but I may be wrong. I am not a doctor. Pray for your co-worker. Maybe he can get on a list for a transplant. I will pray for him also.;-)
They can't be 100% positive until they receive the biopsy results. An experienced doctor probably has a pretty good idea though. If they found more than 1 tumor, chances are it is malignant but you never know for sure. The encouraging thing is treatments for cancer have come an awful long way in recent years and the side effects are no where near as bad as they used to be. I'll say a prayer for your friend.


How scary. Unfortunately, multiple tumors (NOT polyps) usually means cancer, as does tumors in more than one organ, especially if it's one of the adjacent organs to which secondary cancer normally spreads. (For example, if you have a malignant tumor in your colon, any secondary tumors are most likely to appear in your liver or stomach).

Fingers and toes crossed and prayers going out - I hope everything turns out OK.


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