Question about Bun & Thigh Rocker


....for anyone who owns it, I know it folds for storage, but was wondering how much, ie. can I slide it under my couch?? Also, a question for Honeybunch...has your B&T Rocker workouts replaced your Cathe leg workouts or do you rotate them??


You could most likely slide it under your couch.

For the time being, since I'm pressed for time with teaching classes and learning routines, the B&T R has replaced tapes. I can get a work out done in much less time.

But that's me, and I certainly would not suggest that anyone not do the tapes. This IS Cathe's site, after all!
My couch only has an inch or two space so the rocker won't slide under my sofa. My machine stands approx. 4 inches when folded. I don't even fold it up anymore. I use a Cathe tape and the rocker. Usually I do leaner legs or MIS legs and then the rocker. I've gotten great results from adding the rocker to my leg routine. It averages an hour per workout. Sometimes I'll rock more if I have time. I try to do these workouts on days when I do have extra time. I use 20 & 25 pounds for the tapes. I couldn't lift the barbell over my head and opted for hand weights. Its easier lifting. Soloflex bands will fit on the rocker if you want additional poundage. I used two 50 pound bands from my husband's machine on my last workout and could really feel the difference. The 60 pound bands that come w/ the machine just weren't working me hard enough after the first month. My buttocks have lifted and my neighbor bought one too. I can't say it enough.. I love this machine.. but feel I need Cathe's workouts too. Together they have been winning combination for me.

My machine ony came with 2-10# bands and 2-25# bands??? I looked on the box and it said it only has 4 bands. (Which I got) Wondering why HB & Carol had more bands AND heavier pounds??? NO FAIR! We sold our Soloflex, so I no longer have those bands to use. :-(

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Waaah!

My math was wrong -- To clarify -- I, too, got two 25 and two l0 pounds bands equalling 70, not 60 pounds w/ my machine. Honeybunch got blue aerobic bands that weren't included w/ my machine. You can order the weight bands from Soloflex. They are expensive. Hubby bought new 50 pound weights and let me have his old ones. I could really feel the difference & think the Soloflex bands are worth a try. I don't like the Soloflex machine and never use it. Too bad you never tried putting the weights on your rocker before selling your Soloflex. Hinesight is always 20/20.
RE: Waaah!

Call 800-823-9998, the B&TR distributor's number, and you can order extra bands. #25 bands are $8.95 each, and #10 bands are $6.95 each.

Thank Carol & HB! I'll see over the next few weeks if need to increase. Not sure why I am whining as I am feeling it just FINE with what I have at THIS point. Carol, I just got my "Rocker" a couple of weeks ago and we sold our Soloflex probably 3 years ago. Hmmm, who would have guessed I should have kept some of those bands? Thanks for the info.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Thanks!

Debbie, Initially, I felt fine too... after a month it was taking longer to feel the burn & I needed more resistence. Holding weights wasn't enough. I think the bands, including the 'old' soloflex bands, stretch after a lot of use.
Honeybunch, thanks for the band-distributer information. I will order more today.
A girl can never have too many Cathe tapes or exercise paraphernalia.
Another Couple of Questions

Hi. Just got my rocker Monday evening. I love it so far. The first night I did the exercises and although I felt them I was kinda disappointed. Last night when I did them I went super slow, paused at the top of the move and my legs were shaking by the time I was finished. I am now in love. My question is about the resistance bands. In the manual it states that you can mix and match the 4 bands to offer 8 different levels of resistance. I can't for the life of me figure out how to get 8 different levels out of these 4 bands. I have a 25 and a ten on both sides. Both ends of each band are on the knob thing and secured with the spring clip. I feel like this is the most possible resistance I can put on it, but the 8 different mix and match possiblities confused me. Someone please enlighten me and either tell me that yes I do have the most resistance on it, or explain to me how to get the most on it. Another question has anyone ordered any of the extra bands and put 4 25's on it. I think I will be happy with it as is for awhile, but might want to increse in the future. I would also like to know more about the soloflex bands. Where do you get them, do they fit it well and what strenghs they come in.
RE: Another Couple of Questions

I never figured out that 8 way thing either. I thought I was missing some bands?? I also don't believe 3 minutes is enough for any workout...
Soloflex has new bands now. The 'old' ones will fit on the rocker but the new ones are too short. The holes are smaller and they aren't as long as the original 'old'. Their new bands have a space in the middle whereas the older ones are solid. Thats how you can distinguish which is old and which is new. They come in 50 and l00 pounds. Hubby was trashing his old bands upon receiving his new ones. I tried them on my rocker and they worked. Again, his new ones did not fit. I ordered four twentyfive pounds bands from the BBJ distributor but haven't received them. I know the bands stretch overtime and want to ensure I have enough resistence. Sounds like your legs are strong like mine. I workout on my machine for a good 30 minutes plus twice weekly. You will see results after 4 weeks.
RE: Another Couple of Questions

I don't worry about their "8 combinations" & just put all of them on! I plan on ordering extra 25's, especially if the new Soloflex bands don't fit the B&T R.

Soloflex has the "Rockit" which is very similar to the B&TR, but LOTS more expensive. Like over $900.00!
Still Another Question

Thanks to both of you for clearing that up for me. I will probably order new bands soon too, because I want to ready if these get weak. I just couldn't help myself and had to do it again tonight. This was my best workout yet. I discovered that by not only going super slow but really pushing down on the handlebars I could get a good burn going by the time I had finished 15 reps. Next week I am gonna either try the weighted vest with it or put some weights on the handlebars. Now for the new question. I really love the Modified Power Arc move, the one where you raise your toes off the platform, but by the time I have finished 15 reps I am feeling in my shin area. I tried a few positioning my feet a little higher on the platform and then a little lower but at about 10 reps I felt it in the shins. Do you guys experience this or am I doing something wrong? Maybe I am flexing my foot too much? Interested in any thoughts or suggestions on this.

Isn't it fun to rock-away? My thought on your shins is MAYBE you are doing too much too soon. I KNOW you don't want to hear that. Possibly, it IS the positioning of your feet. Take a look at the video again to make sure where they place their feet.I love the Modified Power Arc the best too. You really feel it. Almost like doing a squat sitting down as you push thru your heels. Try icing your shins for about 15 minutes several times a day. I think you might also want to wait just another week or so before you add any exta resistance. Just a suggestion of course...Take It Or Leave It! ;-) Good Luck and keep me posted. Thanks for the ideas with the weights!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Still Another Question

I put on extra weight right away, but only 5 lbs. at a time. I have plate mates, and used those. Then I added 2 5# ankle weights. How many sets are you doing, Leanna?
Ashamed to admit it

I have been doing 3 sets of 15 reps for every exercise. Okay I am ashamed to admit this but I have been doing to much on it and I know better. Not like I am new to resistance training and didn't know that I shouldn't. Heres my confession. I got in on Monday and I have used it every night including tonight. After I finish my regular workout I just can't seem to help myself. I am really enjoying it. I am gonna make myself take a few rest days and at the most cut it back to every other day. So my shins which aren't sore but do feel it are probably telling me to slow down.

We've all been there, done that, Leanna! Don't feel bad. I think it's GREAT you love it soo much. How great to like something that is GOOD for you (in moderation ;-)) I'm sure a few rest days and you'll be fine. Please keep me updated on any new ideas you come up with.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Ashamed to admit it

Once the glow wears off, you'll be glad to know that you'll get stunning results just using it twice a week.
i have alot of catching up to do........... this bun and thigh is a good thing? when i see honeybunch and debbie h. giving it a thumbs up i think i have been missing out on something good. where did everybody order their's from and how much was it? i have an ultra-glide which is like the machine advertised by chuck norris and christie brinkley but i am intriguied by the positive reviews for the bun and thigh rocker. thanks.
Hi, "LISA", I think, right??? Lisa, if I remember right, you live in Ohio, don't you? If so, D I C K's Sporting Goods carries them. They are marked down to $99.99 from 199.99! (at least as of week or so ago) I went in and told the salesman that my friend had gotten hers for $79.99 a week before and he honored that price!!! Also, I'm not sure if they still have them, but BJ's & Sam's Wholesale's carried them some time back for around $70-$80.00. You might want to call them first. Just be sure if you walk near your "Rocker" to wear your shoes. DON'T GO BAREFOOT! (Notice my Sniff, Sniff post!) I love the machine. Made sturdy and it feels like it really targets your muscles. Let me know what you think.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I got mine on E-bay for $89.00, and that included the shipping.

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