Question about Boot Camp


Hi Cathe,

The Intensity DVDs were well worth the wait! As a fellow instructor and personal trainer, they are going to propel me into the next planet of fitness! I think you did a spectacular job in both the design and presentation of this series.

Boot Camp is an absolute blast, and I would love to do a similar type of workout for my classes. My question is about the music. I notice it phases out when each segment is complete, keeping the timing to exactly one minute. Is the music specially made for this workout to keep the timing accurate? It is very hard to watch the clock in real-time, cue, instruct, etc., so a tape like this would be very easy to work with.

An aside: I did Pyramid Upper Body today for the first time and, wow, it was tough! I have heard people say they trained so hard they almost got sick, but this is the first time I experienced that feeling. I think next time I might have a barf bucket nearby - optional equipment, hee, hee! (Sorry for the visual folks!) It is definitely a tough, thorough, effective workout, and both you and your crew are very motivating, pushing us through to the last rep. Great job! I am afraid to try PLB!

Roe (Roberta)
Hi Roberta! Thank you! So glad to hear that the workouts are doing their job;-) ! Yes, the bootcamp music was specifically made for the workout. Unfortunately the music is not available on soundtrack.

For my classes, I have a clock (with a second hand) on the floor in front of the room. I simply glance at it as I do the exercise. I start a countdown for 8 more (reps) when I see we are getting close to a minute. Don't worry about being so exact, the members DEFINITELY don't mind when you err in their favor;-), just be sure not to err in the other direction :) :)!

As for the rests, after most of the cardio blasts I rest 30 seconds, after most of the leg blasts I rest 20 seconds (depends on intensity), after upper body I rest 15 seconds, and after core 10 seconds.

Have fun. My class LOVES this workout! Good Luck!
Hi Cathe!

I just wanted to add my THANKS to you also for making BootCamp!!! I have never been able to convince my hubby to join me with your "cardio" tapes. I told him to just TRY this one with me as it only contains one minute segments of cardio at a time (I didn't let on his first time how MANY segments there were!;-)) He absolutley LOVED it. We have done it together twice now. He is even bragging to our daughter about how tough it was. Thanks for such awesome workouts. This series ROCKS! We just did PLB this A.M.! Whew! :7 (BTW, He even got online and ordered us two new balls just like yours! They came today. I wanted orange but they were out, so instead I got a real pretty pink one and Dave got a green one! Can't wait to try them out!)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Cathe!

Hi Debbie! Reading your post just put a great big smile on my face. This is such good news. Your feelings seem to echo that of many since I have been hearing this more and more. I'm so glad now to be able to recommend a tape for not only men but "couples" :) How nice to be able to workout together (makes them appreciate how hard you have been working all this time too;-) ). Please tell Dave that I said to keep up the great work. Way to go Debbie!
RE: Hi Cathe!

So Dave has taken the Cathe Cardio plunge! Too cool! I knew the Bootcamp label would win him over. Maybe he'll try some others now.

Just Do It! :)
RE: Hi Cathe!

>So Dave has taken the Cathe Cardio plunge! Too cool! I knew
>the Bootcamp label would win him over. Maybe he'll try some
>others now.
>Just Do It! :)
Can you tell me if Boot camp is high impact with jumping etc?? I am looking for Cathe tapes that are strictly low impact due to a back prob;( Would appreciate any suggestions?? Low impact--high calorie burn is what I need!:)
RE: Hi Cathe!

Bootcamp does have some high impact. In fact, none of Cathe's tapes are all low impact. I've heard other people say that if you can't do impact, to try the Powerstrike kickboxing videos, otherwise, you'll have to do spinning, water aerobics, swimming, etc. The lowest impact of Cathe's tapes, IMHO is CardioKicks, but it does have several high impact things you'd have to modify.
Hi Leggs!

I think it would be very doable to make any of the higher impact moves low, even if it means you change and do something else. Keep in mind, we are only talking about one minute of a specific move, such as "speed skating" side to side. (I'm not saying this is EASY, but easy to do your own thing.) After one minute of cardio, Cathe does one minute of lower body work, one minute of upper body work and one minute of AB work. She then does 7 more segments with different moves. Hope this makes sense. I would think out of all of Cathe's tapes, this would be the one that can easily be modified. Anyone else agree? Good Luck. Fun, fun tape!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Leggs!


Oh my Gosh! I am so excited about Boot Camp I can hardly contain myself:7.
I have wrapped this one up for Steve and will give it to him for Valentines Day!
We don't have a gig that night so we have the workout, dinner, and a massage
planned for the evening.:* I am so happy to hear Dave too enjoys working out with
Cathe. Tonight, Steve had to go to Symphony rehearsal early and couldn't fit in his
beloved PS workout....I suggested MIS upper body. He did it and was SO IMPRESSED.
He can hardly wait to start the Pyramid series next week. He even bought a pair of 60LB.
dumbells for himself today!

Wow, Cathe, you have no idea ( well maybe you do now) how you have changed our lives.
Thank you so sincerely!

Debbie Dailey
Hey Deb!

Just wait. Steve is going to love it. What a great idea for Valentine's Day! Sure beats a box of chocolate's! Have a great time that evening. It sounds sooo romantic. I bet he talks all thru dinner about how much he enjoyed BC. You HAVE to do it THAT day! Keep me posted. Cathe has truly changed our lives too!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hey HB!

I'm trying Imax 2 & Cardio & Weights this week - I will probably try Boot Camp next week. I'm having a hard time trying to figure how to fit the cardio tapes in a rotation.

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