Does anyone out there know anything about the supplement called Pyruvate??? I read that it's supposed to assist in weight loss.
Also, what about diuretics? I'm on the Pill, and I always feel somewhat bloated and heavy. I've gained 5 lbs. since being on it, and I want to figure out a way to get back down to my pre-Pill weight. I still work out the same as I always did, but my appetite has increased noticeably, so I'm eating more!!!
Anyone else with the same problem???? Any suggestions? I was thinking maybe taking a diuretic would help with the water weight gain since the Pill supposedly causes water retention.
Help!!! :-mad :-mad :-mad
Does anyone out there know anything about the supplement called Pyruvate??? I read that it's supposed to assist in weight loss.
Also, what about diuretics? I'm on the Pill, and I always feel somewhat bloated and heavy. I've gained 5 lbs. since being on it, and I want to figure out a way to get back down to my pre-Pill weight. I still work out the same as I always did, but my appetite has increased noticeably, so I'm eating more!!!
Anyone else with the same problem???? Any suggestions? I was thinking maybe taking a diuretic would help with the water weight gain since the Pill supposedly causes water retention.
Help!!! :-mad :-mad :-mad