pyramids or gym styles to..........


Good morning ladies,

I am wanting to make sure I get my cardio in every morning before I leave for work. I usually do my pro form elliptical or the treadmill. I am not getting enough strength workouts in. I plan to do Cathe's strength workouts when I get home from work 5 days a week. I want to lose more fat and have muscle definition. I understand this takes time. I have been there before. I am currently at my goal weight with clean eating and with the the help of my buddies at weight watchers.

I cannot buy any more dvds right now, my money is tight. I do have the pyramids, all 3 gym styles, muscle max, max intenisty strength and the 4day split.

Have any of you had luck with a rotation with pyramids or gym styles? I think those are my two favories. I want to do a two monthrotation with the strength workouts and move on to something else. I do work full time and sometimes more hours than I want. I feel like I am not putting myself on the top of the list and that is wrong! I need to be strong fit and healthy in order for me to help my family and others in need. I am 53.

What has your success been with both of these? Any and all help would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance,
My vote is for GS because the workouts work different body parts and they are short there are also timesaver premixes on there if you are time crunched. I did a rotation with them and cardio and the results were pretty good, I am thinking of doing another one next month.
I just did a rotation that had gym styles one week and the pyramids the next. It really switches things up. I really like the how one week was 3 weight days and the next week only 2 and a circuit. There are tons of rotations that incorporate gym styles.

Good Luck and Happy Lifting!
pyramids/gym styles

Thank you Roxie and Dawn. I never thought of looking at Cathe's rotations. At
first I was going to rotate a cardio workout and the next day a weight workout in the mornings. I have always only worked out in the morning but I thought this might be a good thing to try for a while and see if I can keep up and challenge myself. I don't have anyone to take care of after work except my cat. I will have eventually.

Thanks for your ideas and suggestions. I hope you both have a nice day,


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