Push ups July 10th


At ten and boy are these things hard but ya know, I like the push ups more than any other upper body workout. I guess it helps the abs too, yes?
WOO HOO!!! ^5's Kate on a job well done!!

I just did 3 sets: 10, 6, and 10. I just did 26 push ups on my toes!!!!
Good job! I like 'em, too, and the real good part is you don't need any equipment, even for variations, and you can do them anywhere! And they ARE good for the abs! When you get better and you REALLY want an ab challenge, try medicine ball push-ups!

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/musik/music-smiley-004.gif[/img]
Wow Kate you are really making progress!!!! Michelle, you are doing very excellent yourself.

I did P90X chest and back yesterday and did a total of 212 pushup. Various versions. My max reps in one set was 25 but that's cause I knew I had lots of sets coming. I also did 20 decline pushups off the step- that's alot for me :eek:

Keep doing them ladies, HB is right they do wonderful things for your upper body. Plus they just look Kuuuuuuuul!! Next we'll have ya'll joining the chinup check in }( }( }(


Catherine, 212 pushups!!!!!! I bow to your greatness. What vsriations do you employ?

Chins are not out of the question for me at SOME point. I just don't have any way to do them at home at this time. I'm still trying to muddle through this and all that friggin cardio--lol!
Well, then I'm not either - I did 300 yesterday.

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/musik/music-smiley-004.gif[/img]

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