Push-up challenge


I nominate myself as the offical "before" mascot for this challenge. Anyway, putting out any effort is making me extremely tired and overly sweaty due to this annoying infection, so I only got half-way one my signature one push-up. I think I am going to wait a couple of days to try again. Until Tuesday........
Hiya, Kate,

Wow, that infection is really doing you, isn't it! Go away Evil Infection! Leave our Kate alone!!

I did my pushups yesterday. One set in the morning and one at night. I'm doing 13 now and quite frankly...........well, I'm going to have to put some goal training into my head this week to make sure that I KNOW that I'm going to be able to increase one a day ;) .
I agree, Kate, you can be our official mascot!!! Hope you are feeling well soon. I too got hit by a stomach virus last evening. Feeling better now. Pushups either Tues or Wed.

Morning ladies!

Well, last week I figured out my baseline of 23. Saturday I did GS C&T so I did all 72, taking slightly longer breaks between sets.

This morning I did 28 before failure (which means falling on my face on the carpet:p). YAY!

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