Push-up Challenge--May 31st


Sgt. Honeybunch,
I did it. I did a whole push-up! Of course it was much harder getting back up then going down. I now feel too worn out to vacuum. But I did it!
That physical therapist was wrong. He told me to ditch the push-ups due to my height, and also told me women over 40 shouldn't use weights. Ha! I think it was said that so I would injure myself again and need more therapy.
So, I have 1 down and 45 to go (forty-five?). Well, at least I have almost a year to get there. I guess it will be 46 more since I will be 47 next year (47....how did that happen?).
I'm 56, so I guess I'm considered "older" to a large segment of the population! We, of course, know that's not true. "Older" is 85.

Congratulations on your huge accomplishment - you'll hit your target number before you know it!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Thank you soooo much Honeybunch. I must say that I am feeling pretty good right now. Well, my lower abs hurt, which is good, I was looking for something that would make me sore there.
Thank you, thank you, thank you
And 56 is not old, I've seen your pics, you don't look like any other 56 year old. You look more like Cathe and she sure doesn't look like any 42 year I know.
Congrats, Tallchick! You're on your way now.

Honeybunch looks WAY BETTER than most 56 year olds I know!

I did cardio this morning so will do my pushup challenge tonight. Going to start mentally psyching myself up now. ;-)

OK, I guess I'm the youngin' but that's ok! (I'm 29) I couldn't do a regular pushup til I was 27! (not even in high school!)

I did 1 set of 30 pushups, then 1 set of 25 pushups so far... I plan to do 2 more sets of 25 pushups.

And just wanted to say that I have my Mom (who's 54) doing pushups for the first time in her life too- she can do 10 now!!

> He told me to ditch the
>push-ups due to my height, and also told me women over 40
>shouldn't use weights.

Women over 40 shouldn't use weights? :-(

I'd say all women over 35 SHOULD use weights!

Congrats on the push-up!

I started the chin-up challenge not being able to do one blessed one, and when I got my first one, I was so psyched, so I can imagine how good you feel. Keep it up!
O.k., I did 20 today without stopping. Next time, 25. I am getting so much better at these as just last year I could only do 6 w/o stopping.

>> He told me to ditch the
>>push-ups due to my height, and also told me women over 40
>>shouldn't use weights.
>Women over 40 shouldn't use weights? :-(
>I'd say all women over 35 SHOULD use weights!
>Congrats on the push-up!
>I started the chin-up challenge not being able to do one
>blessed one, and when I got my first one, I was so psyched, so
>I can imagine how good you feel. Keep it up!

Thank you Kathryn, yeah, it does feel pretty darn good!
Okay, I just did 27 straight on my toes. I must admit though the last few were kind of shallow. I don't know if I can do this every other day. I'll probably wait until Saturday to try again and give my muscles more time to recover.

>I'll probably wait until Saturday to
>try again and give my muscles more time to recover.

Sue, that sounds like a good idea. I think a lot of times, we can actually make more progress if we allow our bodies sufficient recovery (and we can avoid overuse problems, especially with shoulders--sometimes my 'trick shoulder' will let me know that I've been overdoing and need more recovery. But when I have enough recovery, I get no gripes from it!).

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