Push up challenge June 2nd


I had on my plate today a try for two push-ups but I am still sick and the doc said to take it easy for a couple of days. I swear since I made a whole one, I was ready for two, but I still feel weak today, but I swear, tomorrow!!!!
Anyway, it wouldn't be good to associate sickness and vile feelings with pushups anyway, so I think taking a break is a good idea all around, Kate.

I've decided to do my pushups every other day, both morning and night, making sure to do at least one more than I did the previous time. I played around with my hand placement and am finding it a little bit easier to make it through the rounds. }(
I did my set yesterday: I got in 34 this time (1/2 more than my baseline! And it was tough! But I don't count them unless they are the same speed and the same ROM).
I'm going to shoot for 400 total today.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Yeah, she said 400. One day I expect to hear her say "today I did 1000 pushups" LOL

I did 27 today 2 better than my baseline. Then I did P90X chest shoulders and triceps. Which as many of you know are full of pushups. HB I think you'd like some of Tony's w/os.

Kathryn, nice going! 1/2 more than your baseline is awesome.

Have a good day all.

Yes - Four Hundred.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Hey, you never know! Maybe for my 57th birthday!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Kathryn, you've reached MY goal :p

I'm going to shoot for 10 today. It's been tough because I've only recently learned that I don't go deep enough. Then I'll do more sets of 8, shooting for a total of 50. I did a kickbox mishmosh yesterday though, and my whole upper body is a little sore.

Not going deep enough? Oh great, it's not enough that I'm trying to add another 31 pushups to my count, now I need to worry about how far down I'm getting. :-( So how far are we supposed to go? My nose isn't supposed to touch the floor, is it?

I just realized that I never officially checked in. I said I wanted to do this challenge, but that was where I stopped. My baseline - on the 29th I was able to do 4 reg, 15 on my knees, but I did them AFTER my workout. Today I did 9 reg, and 20 on my knees BEFORE my workout.

My tactic will be to do them every other day - I'll do as many regular as possible and then follow up with as many on my knees as possible. Of course, always striving for at least one more than previously. My target is 40 reg by Sep 6. I did try them the way Cathe suggested, working the down and assisting on the up. For the time being, it doesn't feel right to me - so I'll stick with my method and keep trying hers until I reach the point where I make progress one way or the other.

Hang in there, Kate, you'll feel better soon and you'll get right back on track!

Honeybunch - 400?!?! I'm in awe. Mouth gaping, eyes wide - in absolute awe.
Yippee Michelle!!! Seriously it's hard to do pushups so feel good about that one. Keep it up in time it'll be 3,4,5,... and then like HB 1000 }( }(


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