Push/Pull Rotation in program-



Hi there-
I just switched my weight training rotation about 3 weeks ago to a push/pull rotation... chest/back.. bis/tris...shoulders by itself, and legs by themselves. For those of who have done a push/pull rotation, what did you think? Any suggestions or comments? Did you think it worked better than doing any different type of rotation?
Thanks in advance!
Actually, push/pull used to be thought of as the only or best way to weight train. When I was working in a health club about 8 years ago, all the trainers and bodybuilders worked opposing muscle groups. They also did shoulders and legs on the same day to save time and so they could hit each body part twice per week.

I've always loved to work that way and I often use MIS in a push/pull series. I think you get great results, but I also think that has a bit to do with variety and changing your routine.

Are you liking it so far? Seeing or feeling any changes?
That's interesting in regards to that was considered the standard of weight training. It definitely makes sense!

So far, I am liking the results.. I am improving in the "push" part of the exercises, esp. chest and tris. But I kind of feel like the "pull" muscles "back and bis" are not getting much improvement. Since I train each body part 2x/week, I may rotate doing "push" work first ie chest then back. And then in the later part of the week when it is time to doing chest and back again, doing back work first and then chest work...Pull/push.
Do you think that would make sense?
Thanks for your help!
I don't see any harm in trying that, but I've always been rold by trainers and bodybuidlers to do the push first. Perhaps because you pre-fatigue the muscles you're going to use for the pulls when you're doing the push? But give it a try. Perhaps just the variety will shake things up enough to help.

Are you training heavy enough on the pulls? Lots of people go light on those because of possible injuries, etc. I do agree you need to be cautious, especially with backwork, but maybe you're going all out more on the push than the pull?
I have heard the same thing, about doing push first.. But am thinking the change "might do my body good!" :)
I actually do lift quite heavy for back and tris. Before I started the push/pull rotation, my back and tri muscles were much stronger than chest and biceps. Go figure!!
You seem pretty knowledgeable about weight training/fitness.. Are you a trainer of some sort? Or just a member of the educated crowd?
Thanks for your responses!
I am in school studying to be an athletic trainer, actually. I have a major passion for nutrition and training techniques. If I have my way, I will work my way up to being a conditioning coach for an NHL team (I'm a major hockey nut as well.) So while I'm not certified and all that yet, I am constantly reading and learning and trying new techniques on myself. I have a lot to learn still, but I also know I have taught myself a lot already by reading lots of books with different ideas and angles.

Do try changing the order and see how it goes. Certainly there's no harm in it and it could be what your body needs to shock it back to work.

Take care!

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