Pure Strength vs Slow & Heavy


New Member
I'm new to Cathe and need some advice. First of all I'm 52 and just trying to get back into shape after a 2 year slug cycle. I've used "Firm" tapes since about 1987 but now I only use them for cardio and I alternate the Pure Strength series afterward. I'm trying to burn fat with the cardio and build muscle with the Pure Strength. Should I be doing Slow and Heavy too? What's the difference between Pure Strength and Slow and Heavy? The descriptions sound very similar. I have bad knees and am looking at Ellipticals to replace some of the cardio workouts. I think it will reduce some of the stress on my aging joints. I'm hanging in there by using Ace wraps on both knees while I workout. Am I on the right track?
RE: Pure Strength vs S and H

If you're trying to BUILD muscle then I strongly recommend adding slow and heavy to your rotation. Its the only routine that has actually added muscle mass for me. (Others have been able to build with PS but not me.) I use it for a week or two about every 4-6 weeks, then use other strength tapes in between to maintain. I'm 46 and at this age it has become a lot harder to build muscle mass than when I was younger. I think S and H differs from PS and all of Cathe's other weight tapes in the way it works muscle due to the ultra slow reps. I only do cardio twice a week now because strength training and Pilates has been wonderful to keep me in shape. The cardio was too hard on my hips, knees and feet to keep doing 4-5 times a week. I also walk almost every day, very gentle to the joints. I've used an elliptical when I belonged to the gym, it seemed pretty gentle to the joints as well.
RE: Pure Strength vs S and H

The Slow and Heavy series is excellent, but I really urge you to get some professional advice regarding your knees. S & H legs has far fewer reps than PS legs, but you go very slowly and use a lot of weight.

It might be that you'll need to use gym equipment for the lower body
(both cardio and weights) to work the muscles without irritating your knees. You don't want to unknowingly grind away the cartilege in your knees.
RE: Pure Strength vs S and H

Thank you both for your advice. S&H is now on my list and I will be very careful of my knees. I don't want to end up with an injury so I will modify as I go along. I'll only use as much weight as I can with correct form. I've already learned that the hard way. My knees got this way from poor form on lunges and 14 inch step ups done too fast and heavy.

I would definately recommend the S&H series. I will be 52 next month and have been doing Cathe workouts for almost a year in conjunction with other workouts. I now have great definition on my body overall. I do rotations to mix up my workouts and surprise my body and muscles. CTX Upper is awesome also, as is Pyramids Upper Body and Muscle Endurance (sorry, I could go on and on). My arms look wonderful not to mention the rest of me (will post pics soon). I've had problems with my lower back, pain in my right knee but have been able to overcome these setbacks with practical advice from this wonderful forum and seeking correct medical advice. You are on the right track. I use a knee bandage on my knee, have lowered my step and for leg presses I use the blue portion of my fanny lifter until I get the mini step. So far so good. I recently read an article that mentioned that putting on muscle on bodies of our age is hard and does not produce good results. I can attest that this is not true. My grown children, especially my son (a Marine who's home safe and sound) said to me this past weekend - Mom - I'm scared of you! Your arms and back look great - who trains you?? I just pointed to my Cathe video library!! Who says once you hit 50 it's over the hill - not this "young" 50 year old! Hang in there!

Take care,

RE: Pure Strength vs S and H

I have to say that two years of Cathe weight workouts have done more for my form than fifteen years of doing the Firm. I still love my Firms (I'm a Taurus and we're loyal to a fault), however I feel that my lunges, squats, deadlifts - everything - have never been better than since doing Cathe workouts. The S&H series is fabulous - I have a 2 week rotation coming up alternating that with the pyramids. So far I have S&H, PH, MIS, ME and LL ... I'm looking into the PS series - how would you ladies say that series differs and what other Cathe workouts should I be looking at?

Danke! ;)

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