Pure Strenght and Intensity Series


New Member
Hi Cathe!

I really love the Intensity Series but I would love to incorporate the pure strength series with it. Do you have a rotation using the Pure Strength Series and some of the tapes from the Intensity Series.
I am trying to lose about 5 more pounds and gain alot of muscle.
Thank you
Hi Sofia! Here is a suggestion.

Monday: Imax 2

Tuesday: PS: Legs/Abs

Wednesday: Cardio & Weights

Thursday: OFF

Friday: Boot Camp

Saturday: Do PS:Back and Biceps (leave out the ab section) and immediately go for a 40 minute run after this weight workout(or vice versa by doing your run first)

Sunday: PS: Chest/Shoulder/Triceps

Have Fun!
Thank you for this idea. I will save it for when I am ready to get back to PS....
Right now I am really enjoying getting to know the intensity workouts and the MANY variations available with the DVD's!


May God you always a sunbeam to warm you... a moonbeam to charm you...& a sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you :)

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