PUB/PLB who loves it???


I did these (not completely though) this morning and boy do I feel the burning sensation in my muscles. I love the pyramid system. I also love working my body in ways I never have. Strength training by itself is doing amazing things to my body!!

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Hi Debbie,

I have been doing Pub for the last three weeks. I do this twice a week. Cannot do Plb right now but I do floor of some of her other leg tapes. It has really done alot for my muscles and strength. I also have to do just weights now and it does make a great difference. I never thought I would see these results without cardio.

Hi, Debbie,

I started PUB/PLB last week, just once. Ouch, it really burnt the muscle, especially the stability ball part. I have to work on the technique of controlling the ball, but alreday my hamstring got fried. I need to buy some small incremental dumbbell so it will really fullfil the name "pyramid".

I tried to lose 10 lb the end of July. So my plan is doing 20-30 min interval run in the treadmil, then add on PUB or PLB one on each day, will take Sunday off(doing stretch). Do you think this rotation will help me burn the fat and not overkill my muscle definition? Anybody's comments are welcome.


Hi Wantfit,
Thanks for your comments! I can't wait to do PUB again. I'm guessing I will be buying more dumbells fairly soon. It's starting to overtake the living room :)

I think a rotation of heavy lifting, cardio of at least 30 min 3x week minimum, and a clean (or as clean as you can be) diet will get you there. It takes all 3 components. I would try to rotate other routines, both cardio & weights, to keep your body working and not get super used to any regimen. For example, do a few weeks with PUB/PLB and then switch gears to maybe slow & heavy, ME/ME/PH, or gymstyles. You can come back to PUB/PLB but do in a rotating format. Also, maybe incorporate some different types of cardio, maybe some steady state in addition to the intervals. That will keep your body guessing & ultimately lead to better gains. I hope this helps.

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Hi Wantfit,

I am no expert but I have read that you need to give your muscles 48 hrs to rest. If you do PU and then the next day PL you are not really giving your upper body time to grow the new muscle. In PL you are constantly carrying poundage and lifting those weights. I would suggest a good run day in between w/ some ab work. I have noticed a big difference since I've started doing this.

>I love Pyramids. I made pretty good strength gains with it,
>alternating it with PS.

I love the pyramids too they are great workouts.

Pinky I wanted to add your exercise pictures are awesome you should be very proud of your accomplishments. Keep up the good work

I too LOVE the pryamids, but I think doing them 3 times a week may be a bit much. Good luck and enjoy!
Yes, I think you guys are right. I did feel exhausted after two days in the row PUB/PLB. I have to take a day off after that. I will take your advice to add run + abs from ME in between. After I get my Ryka shoes, I will replace this section with Imax 3. I love Imax 3, it really pumps my heart rate, but my knees gave me up. I don't think I can do it without a pair of good shoes and knees protector followed by PLB since I use a lot knees in PLB.

Thank you all. I will check in by the end of July to see how much weight lost.


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