[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-12-02 AT 07:36PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi JCM:
Boy can I ever relate to your situation. Mainly because I've just recovered from something similar.
Mine was my ankle and knee. I'm in martial arts and I was thrown by a 250 pound male. He didn't quite let go when he threw me so I landed on a cement floor with my heal, his weight, my weight, and the force of being airborne.
I was taken in because it was thought I had shattered my heal. Even blacked out during the impact. It was really painful.
I had it x-rayed and it wasn't broken. But, my ligaments were torn, and my ankle joint was shoved forward and out of place. Plus when I went down ... my knee twisted and twisted pretty bad. Again, concern over a broken knee, it was twisted on the floor pretty bad.
I was out of Karate for 4 weeks and pretty bummed about it. Almost in tears.
I went to PT and did exactly what they said, down to the letter. I'll tell you ... I'm having better preformance now than I did six weeks ago before this happened.
For the ankle exercises, they had me do a few.
1.) They gave me a band that I had to tie around something on one end and the other had like a noose in it. I'd sit down on my behind on the floor with one leg straight and the other crossed over to prevent the straight leg from twisting. I'd put the band noose around my foot, mid way down. I'd pull it taut. Then I'd pull the band further away from where it was tied. I'd do 15 of them. I'd usually start with the knotted side towards the inside of my foot. Then I'd have to turn around to have the knotted side towards the outside of my foot. I'd do 15 of them the other way. I had to do them 3 x a day.
2.) They would put a board down on the floor. There was a hand towel covering the board. I'd sit in a chair with the board such that I could place my foot on it. Then I would have to use my toes to pull the towel towards me (5 pulls) and then reverse it to push the towel away from me (5 pulls). Again, 3 x a day.
Those were two for strength. It's very important that you don't let your leg move with #1, very important. Otherwise your ankle will not strengthen.
I've got knee ones but not hip or toe ones.
I know that you want to get this moving, but I'd really recommend that you wait until your PT puts you on a exercise program. It's very important that you do exactly what they say. Take the time and heal, I kid you not. If you don't you won't be running for 2 months.
Just my experiences.
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