Ps Series: Will I bulk up or get toned?


New Member
Hi Cathe & Everyone,
I just ordered the PS series because I want to start a serious strength training program. In a few posts, I read that fewer reps and heavier weight is used in these videos. I was wondering what type of results I will get from this technique. I am really looking to get toned and cut , and to see a lot of muscle definition. My arms & legs are very short and I am afraid they will look big & bulky instead of slim and toned like I want to achieve? Thanks for any advice!!
bulking and PS

Hi Amy!

I have short arms and legs too, and I was really worried about bulking with PS... After a few weeks of a PS rotation now though, I've noticed that the "bulk" I'm seeing looks like it's due more to the layer of fat on top of my muscles (same old thing LOL!). Now I'm determined to find a way to get rid of that fat layer so I can see my newly developed muscles!
Hi Amy!

As I always tell everyone, your genetics will ultimately determine just how "bulky" you can get as a result of heavy weight training. I would suggest using the PS tapes as recommended(along with a healthy and balanced fitness and nutrition program)for about 12 weeks(or stopping sooner if you notice unwanted bulk). If perhaps you do notice that your muscles are developing any unwanted bulk, simply do the tapes using lighter weights. If not, continue using the tapes as you have been doing.

Have Fun!

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