PS Series Tapes & Whiteout


New Member

My PS Series Tapes are not a year old yet. I love them, but have not been doing them consistently because I stop exercising when I'm majorly stressed. I started back up again and my two arm tapes have lots of white, hazy portions. I haven't tried Legs again yet. I popped in a exercise video from the library and no fuzz. If my VCR needs to be cleaned, wouldn't all tapes have fuzz. I'm also assuming a dirty VCR would make a tape fuzzy--does it? What gives?

Helen Z
Hard to Say1

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-00 AT 09:20PM (Est)[/font][p]It is very difficult to say. Most likely causes are dirty heads on the VCR or a tracking problem. I would suggest trying the tapes on another VCR. This will help to shorten the list of possible causes.

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