PS Seem Too Fast?


Hi Everyone---I am hooked on Slow/Heavy and have had some excellent results using the tapes consistently. I used to do Pure Strength before Cathe came out w/SH. When I want to shake things up, I pull out PS. I've noticed two things: the reps seem way too fast for me in PS. I can't focus on my form as well as SH. In addition, I cannot handle as much weight as I can in SH. Anyone else notice this or is it just an Irish gal thing (haha)? I am PRAYING that Cathe's next strength series uses a slow rep speed--maybe two counts up and two down--instead of the speed used in PS. I'd be interested in hearing opinions on this. Thanks, Suzanne
PS has always seemed too fast to me. Really,I don't think there's a significant difference in tempo between PS and MIS. I use PS frequently--right now, in fact-- but the tempo contradicts the title, if you ask me (as in slow work needed to really buid strength....).
Also, my arms are really long, and it seems I have a greater move through a range of motion than people with shorter arms (I hope that made sense). Maybe that's why it feels too fast.....
Anyway, I know many people have gotten great results doing the series as is, but I wonder how many slow it down?
I typically do the moves twice as slow--approx. 2 seconds up ans 2 down. This takes considerably longer,which is a huge frustration, but provides me with greater control over the weight. Also, it allows me to lift heavier (but w/good form).
I also slow down MIS.
I keep Power Hour where it is, and will sometimes do MIS & PS at their recorded tempo if I'm short on time.
Loved S&H, but also suffer from "I Must Work Each Bosy Part Twice per WeeK" Disease.
Am I ever satisfied?????
I'm curious to hear what everyone has to say.
Take care,

You're not the only one. I also feel like I'm going too fast when I do PS, especially the bench press section. Before I tried PS I was lifting on my own so I guess I was performing the reps a lot slower.
Me too- but my rep speed on my own was not exactly twice as slow, I don't think. But it is usually slower than the PS speed. Yes, I too would love a speed right between PS and SH's tempo.

Hi Suzanne! I too have this same problem due to the speed of the tapes. What I would suggest is writing down all of the exercises, how many sets and reps Cathe's doing and then just put your stereo on and you'll be able to perform the exercises at your own pace and with much better form. You'll probably be able to lift much heavier too. This is what I found. Best, Kathy
I too would like to see slower reps in future Cathe strength workouts. PS has always seemed a bit rushed to me, although I still think it's a good workout. I definitely will not do the tricep dips at warp speed!
Thank you Suzanne, for bringing this up! I was just thinking the same thing earlier this week. I hadn't done a PS workout since winter, and had been doing S&H mixed in with total body workouts like MIS here and there. I just started a PS/CTX rotation (a variation of the tanktop rotation) this week, and was surprised at how fast the PS reps are. I always expect MIS to be fast, so I use lower weight, but I thought I might continue some strength gains with PS. I felt like I was rushing to throw the heavier weights around, and my form suffered. I never noticed this before doing S&H!

I would like to also make the suggestion that Cathe's next strength series have rep speeds somewhere between PS and S&H. That would be very useful to me.

By the way, S&H is by far the BEST strength workout I've ever done, but I know I shouldn't do it exclusively. I need to mix things up, but I don't want to lose my strength gains!!!

Sandi M

Ladies--Thank you so much for responding. I'm glad I'm not the only one out there who feels this way. Yesterday, I posted a suggestion to Cathe on her "suggestions for future videos," begging her to consider doing slower reps (2 up, 2 down) in her next strength series. I'm going to try to do PS on my own, by writing down the exercises and putting on my own tunes, but dang it, I do so much better when Cathe is there encouraging me and giving me form pointers. C'est la vie! Thanks again, Suzanne

Suzannaerin and all other responders--count me in with you! I love the S&H Series because I feel like it's the only one I don't fall behind on. With PS, which I really love, I consistently fall behind about 2 reps, so I keep having to pause, pause, pause my VCR. The idea of having a strength series between the speed of PS and S & H would be ideal to me after finsihing a S&H rotation.

Of course, I could lower my weight load in order to keep up, but I wouldn't want to lose any strength gains! I sometimes just do my own weight routine at my own pace, but then I miss Cathe! Having her "there" working out with you just makes it so much more enjoyable!

Lets keeps our fingers crossed that we get our wish for the next strength series! :)

Take care,
I totally agree that PS is to fast.I love Slow Heavy.I think the focus on the PS series is more for endurance.It's strange I find PS more challenging in fact any fast paced workout with weights exhausts me.I have said before I can lift heavier in Slow Heavy and cathe says you probably won't be able to lift as much.I guess we are all different.Also I have to really lower the weight for a total body workout or I am wiped.
take care
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-02 AT 07:23PM (Est)[/font][p]Well, it's not just me, I guess. After doing a S&H rotation for 4 weeks, I decided to add the PS series with it. The first thing I noticed was how fast the reps were.

Cathe has said that the PS series is strength focused. I think it feels especially fast only becuz I had been doing S&H for so long. Like when you take off roller skates and you feel weird walking? Probably just a perception thing (in my case, anyway) and it won't seem so fast after a while. I say this, cuz I've done the PS series before and it didn't seem this way to me.

I agree tho, a speed b/w the 2 series would be incredible!!!! Well, anything new from Cathe would butter my biscuits right about now.

I agree with Robin -- it may very well be a matter of perception. I don't have S&H (yet!) and frankly, PS seems deathly slow to me (but the results - wowee!) Of course, I was a major Firmie before finding Cathe, so my perception is skewed to considering AWT a "normal" pace.

I have never (and never heard of anyone else) injuring themselves using PS, and I trust Cathe's expertise enough to believe that she would not make a series that is, by safety standards, too fast. I truly think that PS and S&H are just different workouts with different objectives. JMHO.

:D Willow
I have never thought that the PS series was rushed. Seems to be a perfectly slow enough pace for strength building to me. Just my 2 cents.
I should have written that certain parts of PS seem rushed to me, not every exercise of the entire series. I still think that it's an excellent strength series and I would highly recommend it to anyone with the suggestion that if they should find the pace of any of the exercises not to their liking, then change it.
I agree that the PS series seems too fast for strength gains, and I have been a bit disappointed. (I wish I could slow my DVD player down, but can't!) As I want to make strength and size gains, I try to stick to Slow and Heavy as much as possible, but find this difficult because it takes so much concentration. I do think that S and H is the only Cathe video that is truly a strength workout.

I too would really love a split strength workout at a speed between PS and SH. I have ordered Cory Everson's basic sculpting weight workout purely because the reviews say that the reps are slow enough to use heavy weights. But, I will miss Cathe when I do these workouts!
I think PS is great for cross training. By lowering the weights and increasing the speed I think you go for endurance. I really like some of the exercises she does in PS. I like variety in my workout. Don't be afraid to lower your weights to keep up with the speed and maintain form.

What I do however, is to split the leg workout and do half with each of the upper body tapes. DVD's are wonderful. That way I can fit in a strength building workout in once a week and also do three cardios in addition of PS.


I constantly rotate SH and PS to try to get the best of both worlds. PS only seemed rushed after I got used to the SH tempo.

If you think PS goes too fast, try Cory Everson's Get Hard Arms! I was floored the first time I tried it. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am, and it's all over!

I'd love for Cathe to do more strength tapes of any speed. I've found it hard to find good strength only videos.
Haha! Too funny, AKirkland! I used to do Cory's Get Hard Arms also--talk about breakneck speed! I got it because I thought it would be good for a second (or third, depending on rotation) workout for the arms and shoulders, but I got too frustrated with the speed. I did like her upbeat personality.

I also constantly rotate between S&H and PS, and love the variety of the exercises. It's a good point that was brought up by a few of you that PS seems overly fast just because you get used to the slower tempo of S&H, but I'd still love to see that median speed, it would be ideal!


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