PS or GS Legs?


Help! Am trying to decide if I should buy GS legs. I do a lot of racewalking, and tend to not go for really heavy weight workouts with my legs, as I find it bothers my knees. So I focus mostly on alternating PS legs and ME, sometimes (but not very often at all) throwing in S&H legs or PLB. *But* I recently bought both GS upper body DVDs and love them--so I'm wondering if it's worth it to go for GS legs, too. Opinions?
Hi I just wanted to give my opinion to you on this.
I must say that I have all of Cathes Lower Body workouts.
And I must say Gs Legs is my favorite and then legs and glutes. I would definately purchase the gs legs even if you dont want to lift heavy weights for any reason. The gs legs can be broken down into 2 sections the first one is standing where you normally use heavier weights and the second porttion is laying down work using the stabilty ball a great deal Which in my opinion is just wonderful.

When I recieved this dvd i started using it 2x a week along with her other cardio and upper body segments and my hamstrings are wow. I can actually see them never before has this opened no matter how much I worked my legs. So all i can say is to get i truly dont believe you will be disappointed in the least. You will be thanking yourself.

Hope this helps
GS legs is no more a heavy weight workout than PS legs is. if ypu like PS legs, then GS legs should work for you also. The floorwork is extremely good and thorough.

Ooof...I hear my budget screaming. :) Is there a lot of floor work in GS legs? I find that I don't do the floor exercises in PS...they don't appeal to me somehow.
If really heavy weight bothers your knees, go for GS Legs. You can break down this workout in two -- standing and floor work. You might not like the floor work in PS Legs, but the one in GS Legs is more fun and has more variety.

Sounds promising, since it's with a stability ball. I find it funny that I think nothing of doing the 1.5 million lunges in PS, but the floor work bores me!
I just did GS legs yesterday and am feeling it today!! Great workout!! I don't use quite as heavy of weights as Cathe & crew, but still feel I get a good, thourough leg workout. You can always skip the floor work, if you don't like it, but it uses the ball and the band and I think is pretty fun!

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