Protein Suggestions?


Hi Guys!

I need some ideas to increase protein in my diet. Right now I'm probably around 65% carbs because my favorite foods are veggies, rice and pasta. I eat a hardboiled egg for breakfast every day and (because my DH is a major carnivor) some sort of meat for dinner every night - usually chicken or pork. I eat a lot of salds and add a 3 oz can of albacore tuna to them. But what else is a good source of low-fat protein? I've seen a lot of "bean" posts - I like most beans but they make me feel bloated even when I drink water with them so I don't eat them much (probably more information than anyone wanted!)

I know you wise ones will have some good suggestions so TIA!!!

Lorrie :)
Tofu is great. Make lasagna with it, stir fries, marinate and bake it and make sandwiches. There are a lot of cookbooks out there. And of course, there are protein powders galore. The fiber is taken out of the soybean to make tofu, so it shouldn't cause any gas. And I've heard that your digestive system gets used to beans. I've been eating them for years and only black beans bother me.
Another vote for tofu. Try it in a miso soup! It's easy, delicious and really easy to digest. Another option is quinoa, which is a fantastic high-protein grain. Use it instead of rice as a side dish, or mix it with black beans and veggies for a terrific salad.

Cottege cheese is a great source of protein. Eggs are great also. I hard boil a bunch and keep them in my fridge for when Im on the run or don't have time to cook. Also, you could grill a few chicken breasts and have them for lunch or on salads ready to eat when you want them. I also find it helpful to have a smoothie with some protein powder in it for breakfast. I use two different ones made from rice or egg whites and love them.

Good luck!

I think the posts above covered most of the bases but here are a few more ideas:
1) lean meat
2) non-fat or low-fat dairy - yogurt, cottage cheese & milk
3) soy - tofu, soymilk, tempah, soybeans (edamame!!)
4) combinations of plant proteins (beans, grains, legumes, seeds & nuts)
5) Seveal vegies are pretty high in protein - corn, brocolli, & peas. I often use them in salads or main dishes.
6) eggs - I add hardboiled egg whites to salads (dogs get yolks - it's good for their coats). Muffins & pancakes: I use mostly egg white, maybe 1 yolk. Scrambled egg whites are great with salsa & spinach - they need zip. Makes a great burrito too. Actually soft tofu scrambles well - but it needs some zip & maybe 1 egg.

If beans are a problem, you might try Beano. I don't know if it's just for beans or if it works for any high fiber food. Also, just add a few beans at first (say to salad or soup). Be sure to rinse canned beans. I often cook beans, & always throw out the soaking water & usually the cooking broth. Some flavorful nutrients are tossed away but it reduces side effects.
Hey, have you guys heard of turkey bacon? Believe it or not it's lean and tastey. Canadian back bacon also is VERY lean and much like ham. One egg just isn't enough protein for breakfast so try adding a slice or two of one of these. My husband and kids actually like these kinds of lean bacon too! I like cottage cheese in the mornings too, with a few almonds and fruit. But I'm very picky about the kind of cottage cheese, so don't give up till you find what you like best.

Different kinds of cheese makes good protein snacks with fruit and nuts to balance. Yoghurt is well balanced as well as milk or soy milk. And you know what? Jello is a good source of protein as well and it works wonders on my hair and nails.

Hope this helps. It's just what I'm into right now and it suits my family too which helps me behave.

Good luck,
I have been tracking my nutritional intake for a week at and I am amazed my protein intake is right up there, mainly due to whole grains, beans and veggies. I also love fish, chicken and eggs. I get Omega 3 fortified eggs for a little nutritional boost. Great suggestions as usual from the educated crowd!

Thanks everyone, I knew I'd get some good suggestions. I eat yogurt every day but didn't realize it was a protein source. I think I'll try some tofu; however, I know my husband will never go for it! I also just bought some organic vegetable bean soups which are really tasty. And I might as well look into protein powders for my carboholic days!

Thanks for the ideas!


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