protein shakes


Hi everyone:)
Was wondering if you could share with me what if any type of protein shakes you drink. I have never drank any before and have many questions like how often do I drink it? Is it meant to be a meal replacment or a snack? What brand/flavor is best? Where to you purchase it and the usual cost? Is it best to have it after you work out? Also where do the protein bars come into play if you are drinking the shakes? Can you have both? What is the max amount of protein you should have (wouldn't want my kidneys to be overtaxed!). Sorry for all the questions, but this is all new to me and I have heard being informed is being smart! Well thanx in advance for all your advice.
Hey Leggs,

I don't think I've seen you post before, welcome to Cathe.

Protein shakes vary in cost & flavor. I use Myoplex Lite Chocolate Cream on occassion. Mostly when I know I'm not going to eat well. I don't use them as meal replacement because I feel that "good old fashioned real food" is the best way to go. But they make a great in between snack.

I get mine at Vitamin Shoppe. I belong to their "frequent buyer's club" which cost nothing & saves me A BUNCH! They usually charge $45 for Myoplex Lite, I pay $30 with my club card. You can see if you have one in your area by visiting

Vitamin World ( also has a discount card & on the first Monday or Tuesday of the month & you'll save a little more.

There are a lot of places on the web that you can buy the shakes from, I'm sure others will chime in with their flavor choices & places to shop.

Protein bars are pretty gross in my opinion--very chalky & dry. I don't use them. A shake is all I do.

As for taxing your kidneys--I wouldn't go more than 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Body Rx & Body for Life recommend around 0.75 to 1 gram per pound of body weight. Both are good programs.

Hope this helps.
Hi Leggs-

I also like the Myoplex Lite Chocolate Cream. There is a health food store near me that sells it for $33. Yes, it is pricey but it really helps me to get in the protein I need. I agree with Deborah about trying to eat foods rather than replace them with a shake. So, I use it as a snack everyday that I lift weights or can't seem to get enough protein. Also, if I am still very sore, in my mind that means my muscles are still recovering, so I will have one (I think it is just an excuse because I love these things). I find that they taste like cake mix and I know others have said the same.

I do also get the Myoplex Lite protein bars. The best one I have had is the Cinnamon Roll Crisp. This thing tastes great. I always feel like I am cheating when I eat it. I usually use this the same as the shake. Especially if I am on the go and I know I won't get a chance to eat. These bars have 190 calories and 15 grams of protein.

My reasons for using these items in my diet is because I find it difficult to eat that much protein. Also, because I know that I didn't in the past and it seemed like I lost a lot of muscle with all the cardio I do. Well, thanks to Deborah, who posted above, I am trying to keep it to 3 days cardio and the rest strength. We all know muscle looks better than fat, and that muscle can even make fat look better.

Please feel free to email me with any questions.


P.S. You can try and get Myoplex cheap on ebay. I have a couple of times.
I use a protein shake AFTER my weight training. I workout in the PM & this is my last meal #6 of the day. I use ProBlend55 from BioChem (cost $25.00) either vanilla or chocolate & put either banana or blackberries or raspberries in the shake w/8 oz. of water, a couple of ice cubes & 2 scoops of the powder. We take the shakes because its easier to whip up than eat all that meat. Its used as a convenience. I get mine at Vitamin Shop. Steer clear of GNC as their very expensive. I alternate using protein bars (mine are Myoplex) & something called Shannycake. Make absolutely sure your protein bar does not contain "High Fructose Corn Syrup"!! This is a very high concentrated sugar & you'll just be eating a candy bar which is not what you want. The protein is quite high (some are 29g); again use these for convenience. The Shannycakes I mentioned are better for you. The recipe is: 1/3c of McCann's Quick Cooking Oatmeal, 1/4c cottage cheese; 2 whole eggs (yes I said WHOLE eggs, all your nutrients are derived from the yolk) & 1/3 of a banana. Place in a blender; whip it all up & spray from Pam in a skillet & cook up as you would a pancake. I put blueberries in mine. I eat it for a late afternoon snack. I eat 6 meals a day, every 2-3 hrs. apart. We do this to rev up the metabolism; we always keep it in fat burning mode. I happen to cycle my protein & fiber grams every 6 wks. The protein you consume should be the same as your weight (i.e. 130#s, 130g of protein & 30g of fiber). Right now I consume 137g of protein & 40g of fiber. Do this in conjunction w/my weight training. I consume all of this protein so you can really see all of my muscle gains (don't look like Sherry). I have a lot of nice definition. HTH, Kathy:7
Leggs - I also responded to your other post with a longer response... but I also agree with the Sarah and Deb... I LOVE the Myoplex Lite. I know they are pricey but I haven't found anything I like as much.

I also love the Myoplex Lite Cinn Raisin Crisp bars! They are sooooo yummy! I also like the Myoplex Lite Peanut Caramel Crisp bars but got sick of them a bit and then the Cinn Raisin ones came out. I would try both if I were you! Sometimes GNC will even let you split a box into 2 different flavors if you ask real nice ;-)

I like to buy a lot of my stuff online. I either buy directly from EAS or I buy from They both ship super fast and are cheaper than GNC.

I try to have no more than 2 shakes a day and 1 bar. However, sometimes if I am feeling week before a workout in the evening I will slam a Myoplex Lite Ready to Drink shake or Myoplex Lite bar on my way to the gym. That usually leaves me with an extra bar or shake for the day. But I figure it is better than my body starving and using my hard earned muscle for energy.

Good luck! Hope you find some good shakes and bars that you like!
Thank you everyone for your great advice!! What I have been doing this week is to have a EAS AdvantEdge bar after I strength train. I don't find them to taste too bland --they are aslo 230 calories carb 28 protein 15gr fiber 1 gm. I will try your advice and keep you posted if you like. Thanx for the welcome. I have been a quite observer of this forum but since you are all so knowledgable in fitness, I couldn't help but ask for your help!! Thanx again
I have a question for ya'll. How long does that last you? I usually drink a shake for breakfast or lunch or sometimes just for a snack. I try to vary it up so I dont get bored. How long does that $33 last you? Thanks
Megbaby - The Myoplex Lite boxes I buy ($33.00 approx.) have 20 packets in them. I usually don't drink more than 1-2 a day. I buy 2 boxes at a time (1 chocolate and 1 vanilla) and they usually last me about 45 days depending on how many I drink!

I LOVE them and couldn't function on some mornings without them. They are such a great source of protein with low carb, low sugar and LOW FAT!!!! What more can you ask for.

I have tried to cut down on the # of bars I eat as they all have so much sugar. I try to eat no more than 1 bar a day. The new EAS Carb Sense bars have less sugar but don't taste quite as good. I am finally getting use to them though.

Hope this helps!
I took the smoothie ingredients list from one of the national chains--I know, sneaky of me--and make a killer protein shake. I use Labrada Lean Body Low Carb (chose that one because I eat plenty of carbs) Soft Vanilla Ice Cream mix, a cup of pasturized egg whites, a tablespoon each of honey, instant coffee and flavored coffee creamer, a little Splenda, and 2 cups of ice to make a Mochacchino smoothie that is wonderful.

You can vary the recipe by substituting sugar free flavored syrups for the coffee and vanilla creamer, or substitute frozen fruit for the coffee and part of the ice. You could also go with the chocolate Labrada Mix. The combinations are almost endless.

The protein content hits about 65 grams per shake with the pasturized egg whites vs. water. Although it sounds like it would be nasty, the egg whites actually make the shake more creamy.

Best place to get the Labrada mix is at I buy all sorts of stuff from them.
Thanx for the info. So you don't use the protein shakes/bar if you do cardio only? See I wasn't really sure if I should be having one every day or not
I would switch to a shake if I were you, instead of your bar. I would like to get more than 15 grams. Your bar seems inferior for an after-weights workout drink.

I drink regular Myoplex, usually mixed with peanut butter and banana or with all kinds of fruit. Some days I will just put a little Myoplex in and use yogurt and milk for my main protein sources in the shake, then i pile in lots of berries n' stuff.

On other days when I am not so extreme and I only want a "light" shake, I drink plain milk mixed with a scoop of Designer Whey Classic Vanilla. This shake is not so thick as Myoplex and tastes better usually.

I try to only drink shakes after hard weights workouts such as S&H Legs, or pretty much anything lower body. If I do not have good food I will also have one after interval cardio. But I try not to make a habit of it. If I was like FITNUT I would be SO SICK of protein shakes, but to each their own.....


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