Protein Shakes


Ok, so you've all sold me on taking Protein shakes. BUT, I don't know which one to buy. I tried the ones that my parents were taking a few years ago (I don't remember the brand name) and they were gross when mixed with water, if I added milk they were tolerable. Is there a brand that tastes better than others, or is just plain better all around than others?
Are there any suggestions to someone that wants to lose 15 pounds as to when to take the shakes and how often? That would help me out as well, I'm new to the whole protein shake thing, obviously! But hearing what a lot of you are doing is really helping me realize that I need to change the way I eat. Help, I want to look good too!:D
I like Myoplex Lite Chocolate Cream. It's not too sweet & not bland. It's a littel pricey (about $45 regularly). You can get it from GNC, Vitamin Shoppe & Vitamin World.

If you are looking for meal replacement drinks, Myoplex is great for that once a day. You should never, ever replace more than one meal with a shake & even then, make it a snack you are replacing, not a real meal.

If you are not already eating, clean--cutting sugar & bread/pasta carbs, you definitely want to clean it up. That will help you to reduce weight. Take it slowly. With only 15 lbs to lose, you don't want to lose it too quickly or it will only come right back. Make small changes to your diet & you'll be successful.
Oh thank you for the advice, I really wasn't too sure if I wanted to replace any meals with them or not. I really didn't know if I should or not. I don't eat as much pasta or bread as I used to, but I do eat plenty of sugar, especially with the left over Easter candy. That is slowly dwindling now, so that will help. My son loves it too, so I have been trying to get it out of our house fast.
As far as working out goes I have upped my cardio to doing Imax2 at least once a week. And I just got MIS, so I have been incorporating that into my workouts once a week, and I do Power Hour the other two weight days. I also do Rhythic Step one a week and do Hi Low Heaven or something along those lines once a week.
i actually have put on 4 pounds in the last two weeks, but my clothes fit me the same, so I guess it's mostly muscle. Does that sound right though? It just seems like a lot of weight to put on and it be all muscle. Whatever I guess, I am just trying to lose it now.
So, I dont' suppose that you could give me a sample of a daily menu incorporating this new way of eating, could you?
I can't really give you a sample menu but can make some food choice suggestions....

Oatmeal with half a cup of fat free small curd cottage cheese & an apple or banana (put the fruit in to cook with the oatmeal). A sprinkle of cinnamon. The cinnamon & apple cover the cottage cheese taste & it's pretty good. I won't eat cottage cheese alone but like this.

Cream of wheat the same way.

6 oz can of tuna in water, no mayo, tossed into some greens with fat free or reduced fat ranch

Grilled chicken breast tossed into salad, same dressing

Kashi GoLean cereals no sugar

Skim or 1% milk on your cereal

LOTS of fish & skinless chicken breast

Lots (as much as you can stuff in belly) of fresh lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, carrots etc...

Substitute sweet potatoes for regular potatoes occassionally.

NO MAYO, NO BUTTER/MARGARINE. Use I can't believe it's not butter spray for butter flavor.

I do eat a potatoe, rice or SMALL amount (no more than 1 cup measured) of pasta with my dinner.


Don't deprive yourself of a few sweets now and again. I try to eat as clean as possible during the week & then let myself get a little crazy on the weekends--a couple of glasses of wine or a few beers, more fatty foods. I don't go NUTS but I do indulge.

As for your workouts--there are a couple schools of thought on cardio. One says to lose weight increase cardio, another says reduce your cardio increase weight training. I'm of the latter. Increase strength training. DON'T BE AFRAID TO LIFT HEAVY--just watch your form. Don't do cardio more than 3 times a week for more than 30 minutes in your target heart range. I read that in Body for Life, Body RX, & finally tried it about 2 months ago. I'm more toned & I'm finally losing the body fat I've struggled with for a year & a half.

Do a search on cutting cardio or reducing cardio. There are quite a few folks here that have done the same & had tremendous results.

Hope that helps a little.
Thank you so much for your help Deborah, I really appreciate it!
I will take a look at that web site. I always thought that the more cario you do the better, sounds like I may be very wrong.
Have a great weekend!
It may not be that you are wrong. Donna (aka Gettingfit@39) has done tremendously well with more cardio. It really is an experiment to find what works for your body. Less is better for me--but I have increased my strength training.

The website is good if you have a lot of time to plan your meals & goes against everything good & right with vegis. Their way of planning doesn't allow you to eat vegis. I did it for 8 weeks & had good success but felt as though I was doing myself a disservice not eating vegis.

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