Protein powder help


I am trying to find a protein powder that I like. This morning I made some oatmeal with a scoop of protein powder in it (GNC 100% Whey powder). Yuck. It has a really fake, artificial taste to it. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good protein powder?


You'll probably get quite a few responses, but you'll get them even faster if you just run a search b/c this is one popular topic:D (Oh how we love our protein shakes!).

Did you cook the protein powder with the oatmeal or stir it in at the end? That can change the taste/consistency quite a bit.

Personally, I use Nutrabiotic Rice Protein Powder (vanilla) and like it in a lot of things (oatmeal, shakes, "pancakes", muffins, etc.). It is unsweetened and blends very nicely.

But the best thing I recently found for shakes is the "Oster Blend and Go Cup". It's about $14 and fit on any existing Oster blender base. That way you get the power and blades of your big blender base, the size, convenience, and easy clean-up of a personal blender, it's cheap, and you don't need another appliance. It also blends EXTREMELY well and sort of "froths" the ingredients so you end up with a milk shake consistency. It crushes ice and frozen fruit like the big blender w/o the vacuum effect at the bottom of the blender and half your shake on the blender lid:7

Soory to hijack the thread, please return to protein powders only now;)

Thanks ladies.

Mattea, I added it before cooking. EEEWWW, it was grainy and mushy. Maybe I will try adding it after next time. Also, I am intrigued by the powder that you use because it isn't sweetened. I think that is really what sent me over the edge this morning was that horrible artificial taste. Also, I will do a search now. Thanks for the tips.

I like Jay Robb's Whey Protein. There are a variety of flavors. I usually mix a scoop with 6-8oz. water and it tastes delicious! My favorite flavors are tropical dreamsicle and strawberry. His website is

A friend in fitness,
I use BSN Lean Dessert Cinnamon Roll protein powder for my oatmeal. After I cook my oatmeal, I let it cool off for a bit then stir in the protein. It blends really well and doesn't make it thick like other powders. Give it a try:)


Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.
-Earl of Derby-
Hey Karin,

I use Isopure-they have yummy flavors and I like the melon flavor which I add in after cooking the oatmeal. You can mix the isopure in water instead of milk and it really does taste good!! Good Luck!

>I use BSN Lean Dessert Cinnamon Roll protein powder for my
>oatmeal. After I cook my oatmeal, I let it cool off for a bit
>then stir in the protein. It blends really well and doesn't
>make it thick like other powders. Give it a try:)

I also really enjoy the BSN DESSERT PROTEIN!!!! It is really versatile. They also have a banana bread flavor which is yummy. But, I, too will mix the Dessert with our oatmeal after I cook it. I really like how it gets thick. So, when I screw up the oatmeal with too much water, it is an easy fix!

Thanks everyone. I am excited about trying the BSN Cinnamon Roll flavor. Where do you guys usually get this flavor? I saw they carry it at GNC, but they didn't have this flavor. Any suggestions?


I ordered it online. I can't remember where exactly. I would recommend doing a Froogle search. I have noticed GNC is more expensive than A1 or
Hi Shirl,
Just checked out the Jay Robb site. The protein powder looks great. I was looking for one with no sweetener in it. This is the thing, I've never really had whey protein (only one with a meal replacement). Why (and when)exactly would I want a whey protein. I understand for muscle recovery post workout - maybe add fruit for breakfast? Can you help?:)
Hi Tina,
I use whey protein b/c it is a naturally complete protein - it contains all essential amino acids, it's soluble, easy to digest and research shows it quickly provides nourishment to muscles. I typically use it plus a banana preworkout for some quick energy b/c I exercise first thing in am. I sometimes use it post workout, especially if I am not going to be able to eat right away. I found it to be a great way to get the protein my body needs. I like Jay Robb's protein b/c it does not contain artificial sweetners, added fructose, artificial colors or gluten to name a few. There are many uses for whey protein in your diet. It depends on what your goals are. If you want more info. let me know.

A friend in fitness,
I think what interested me the most from reading all the posts about whey protein was probably using it mixed with fruit on occasion for breakfast and after my evening workout. It seems after I do a Cathe workout in the evening, by the time I shower I'm ready to eat....and I read where the whey protein was good for muscle recovery. Any and all advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance.:7
we have EAS... chocolate... it's good mixed in water... BETTER mixed in milk... but more calories.. so alas i have it in water... (i only use it on weight days cuz i can't afford to drink the extra calories every day)

i tried it in oatmeal and OHMIGAWD it was HORRIBLE! made my oatmeal the ickiest consistency!

we get our EAS at sam's club!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
Desertbriez, I am glad that I am not the only one that had horrible oatmeal with protein powder in it. EEEEWWWW, I had it two days ago and I still want to gag when I think about it. I think I might stick to the shakes because they actually taste pretty good.

>Desertbriez, I am glad that I am not the only one that had
>horrible oatmeal with protein powder in it. EEEEWWWW, I had
>it two days ago and I still want to gag when I think about it.
> I think I might stick to the shakes because they actually
>taste pretty good.

lol! ya.. the texture... it was.... well.. NASTY! i will never try it again (oatmeal is one of my most FAVORITE things to eat! so it was pretty bad for me to now like it!)

i'll bet the EAS is really good mixed with other stuff cuz i like it well enough with just water... (like i mentioned... better even with milk!) i'll bet with some banana or berries or yogurt it's a darned good lil treat!!!!! (but keept it away from the oatmeal! gag!)

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!

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