It depends on the exercise and the workout, but for most workouts now, I usually can match or exceed her weights (I'm often a bit heavier on lat rows, lighter on chest flyes,and I usually can't lift as heavy for barbell curls--but I can for db curls). I'm currently on a P90X rotation,but after that, when I get back to Cathe, I intend to challenge her weights!
I have been working out with weights consistently from 1984-1988, then, after a lapse, from 1993 until now (with some breaks, including an unfortunate 9 month lapse 3 years ago), so I have definitely worked up to this level. Just take it slow and steady, and work for continuous progress, and you will someday be able to lift as heavy as Cathe, if you want to.
Laurie: glad my suggestion helped!