Pros ~ poll: who lifts like Cathe?


Just wanted to ask a question to those who consider themselves advanced. Do you lift as much as Cathe? I am definately intermediate so was just wondering about those who really punch it out. Really just want to see if her weight amounts can be done by "normal" people! ;-)
I usually will do as much as Cathe in all of her videos except MIS. Yeah, 35 lb barbell for all those bicep curls? No. I go down to 25 or sometimes if I'm feeling really week I'll even drop to 20. And I can't do all those overhead presses for shoulders with 35 pounds, but I keep it at 35, I just don't do quite as many, I think when she does 10, I do 8, then she does 8, and I do 6. Something like that. I could try to do as many, but I'm affriad that my form would fail, so I just do less with good form. Oh and on the tricep extensions, I usually do whatever I had my bicep barbell set at.
Is there a "t" at teh end of bicep and tricep? I think there is, but it looked funny. I'm tired this morning, can you tell?

Edited to add that I don't own Pure Strength or Slow and Heavy, so I don't know about those workouts!
I can match on everything but bi-ceps. I am getting there, though. It just takes continuous challenge and as Cathe says, "mind over matter"x(
I normally have to go down in weight. For example, when Cathe does 12 lb db's I go to 10 or if Cathe does 8 lb dbs for tricep kickbacks then I do 5 lb. I still have plenty of room to grow, but I just keep in mind that I have come a long way to get to the weight I currently use. Eventually, I will be able to use the same weight, but it takes time to build up to that. The main thing to keep in mind is to keep good form and use weight that challenges your muscles.
Finally after 4 years...I can match Cathe on everything except ME and BodyMax biceps. I think that for me, the weight is too heavy and the reps are way too fast. If I slow the reps down, then I can do the same weight, but to keep in step with those workouts I have to lower the barbell or use dumbbells. In many places I go heavier than Cathe as I just recently have been able to use 50# on squats, lunges, etc.And I go heavier on the triceps and some places heavier on the shoulders.
It sure took me a long time to get here, partly for the fear of going heavier, so I stayed in a rut. I eased into it by just doing a few reps with the heavier weight and added more reps with a lower weight.

I will get a vest or a rack if I decide to put on more weight as 50# is quite enough to lift over my head at this point.

As mentioned in the post above, I can't stres good form enough. You defeat the purpose and you can injure yourself.

Sometimes the challenge is invigorating!}( :p
Hi Julie! I either match or surpass her especially w/back exercises & legs. At different times, depending on my strength my shoulders also surpass Cathe. Kathy
I can match her weights on some of her vids ...lately it's been that I'm able to match and even go slightly heavier in some exercises esp in the S& H sereis I think it's because that series rrequires lots of attention to form. I think I can call myself an intermediate/ advanced exerciser but it all depends on how I've been sleeping , eating and my overall feeling of well being. Sometimes I can match her on my good days but when my body is needing rest due to a cold or overwork I tend to take it easier.
Interesting poll.
I can match Cathe or go higher in every workout except ME triceps and SH deadlifts (back). Sometimes, by choice I'll go lighter (in legs) if I'm doing a premix and the exercise is repeated a few times, like in SS, three set version. On the other hand, I'm still working on the ab section in PUB. Cant get all those pikes just yet.
Susan C.M.:D
Although I do not use Cathe's strength workouts as produced, I do "steal" her lifts and combos every now and then. I have 'em, just don't use 'em for more than ideas.

That said, I use 21.25-lb each dumbbells for pec flyes, supine triceps extensions, triceps kickbacks, supine pullovers and standing bentover presses, all deltoid work including overhead presses, and all biceps work. I use 37.5-lb and 32.5-lb dumbbells for one-arm bentover rows depending on abduction or adduction. I use a 47.5-lb barbell for bench presses and triceps skullcrushers, a 30-lb barbell for triceps dips, and a 52.5-lb barbell for barbell back rows. For leg circuit work I usually use a 47.5-lb barbell, and for slow leg work I use a combination of weight vest and barbell load for a total of 72 lbs.

I can match her or go above her weight on almost everything, but I have worked with weights for about 17 years, to be fair. The one thing I can't do equally to her is some of the work on the stability ball (those pikes! LOL!!), or the inverted shoulder presses in Push Pull. I just can't seem to get the positioning of my body correct, so I do another shoulder exercise instead. I also occasionally can't do as much weight as she does on chest press, but I'm getting there!! YES, "normal" people can do this!! :) But please bear in mind we're each different, and what is "normal" for one may not be for another. I don't like to compare my fitness level to anyone else's, because my body isn't like anyone else's - it's uniquely mine, as yours is uniquely yours. :) If you're happy with what you're lifting, then that's all that really matters!!

About half the time I match her, and half the time I lift heavier. I almost always go heavier on chest and back and match for the smaller muscles. For legs, I lift heavier on the slower workouts and the same on the endurance ones.
I love this question! I've always wondered what everyone else did with the weights. I match her and sometimes on the legs and back exercises, I go heavier (but not more than 10lbs). I still can't do all of the Pikes on the stability ball, but that is it. Thanks to Tracy Long Productions Core Foundations DVD, I am getting closer to Cathe's speed on those Pikes. I have been working out with weights (started with the Firm) for 12 years.
I have all of Cathe's strength & endurance workouts and will either match or exceed her weight loads. I've been lifting with Cathe for 3+ years but it took time to work up to my current level. I am a "normal" person so it is definitely do-able but it takes time and commitment. HOWEVER.....even if you never reach the amounts that Cathe uses, be proud that you are lifting what is appropriate for YOU and focus on the benefits of improved health & fitness. :)

Great thread!! I lift heavier on squats, lat. and front shoulder raises, deadlifts, clean and press (my FAVE!) dead rowing and all tricep work except those pesky kickbacks. I lift the same as Cathe for biceps and chest (her pushups are way prettier than mine, I'm a weenie). Thanks to Kathryn I now lift the same as Cathe (most of the time) for overhead shoulder presses. Her suggestion of doing shoulder presses while sitting with good form (always!) against the stabliity ball really helped. Thanks Kathryn:).
I have to lift less for kickbacks or my form goes south pretty quickly
x(. I also lift less on lunges (long levered girl struggles with stability......on lunges that is:p )

I've tipped my hat to you A-Jock, those weights are inspiring. The very idea fo 21.25-lb kickbacks has me picking my chin up off of the floor and those 47.5-lb skull crushers have got me seeing stars.
}( Awesome lifting}( !! Kudos!!!:)

Take Care
It depends on the exercise and the workout, but for most workouts now, I usually can match or exceed her weights (I'm often a bit heavier on lat rows, lighter on chest flyes,and I usually can't lift as heavy for barbell curls--but I can for db curls). I'm currently on a P90X rotation,but after that, when I get back to Cathe, I intend to challenge her weights!

I have been working out with weights consistently from 1984-1988, then, after a lapse, from 1993 until now (with some breaks, including an unfortunate 9 month lapse 3 years ago), so I have definitely worked up to this level. Just take it slow and steady, and work for continuous progress, and you will someday be able to lift as heavy as Cathe, if you want to.

Laurie: glad my suggestion helped!
>Is there a "t" at teh end of bicep and tricep? I think there
>is, but it looked funny. I'm tired this morning, can you

No, no, no! I don't know why people think there is (you're not the only one). Bicep and tricep muslces or biceps and triceps (not bicepts/tricepts). Your thinking it looked funny was right on the mark.

Officer K: Your local grammar police.

Pls. explain your position when sitting with your back against the ball. Are you sitting on the floor with your legs outstretched? I too have trouble with overhead presses due to some arthritis in my neck.



"Normal" is merely a setting on a dryer.;)
I usually match or exceed Cathe's weights for lower body work (leg presses, squats, lunges, dead lifts, whatever else...). I also match or exceed her weights for back and biceps. For chest, it depends on the workout. Sometimes I go higher, sometimes I match and sometimes I go lower. I almost always go lower for shoulders and triceps (in fact, much lower!x( ) My ab work lags considerably behind, although I can do all of her oblique work with good form and can do most of the stability ball pike reps in PUB and all of them in KPC.

Push-ups are, as always, another story...:-(

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