Proportion question


I have a question about size proportion with the calf and bicep. My calf is 13.5 inches and my bicep is 11 inches. It seems way out of proportion. Does anyone know what it should be?

My calf is also very bulky and big, I am 5'4" and 115# and it looks like I have a softball back there, I want to be able to make it very hard, but smaller in size, any thoughts for women out there with big calves????


I have gigantic calves and get complements on my legs all the time!! My DH loves them! People ask me "How did you get them to look like that?"...yet I rarely even work my's genetic!

Just to give you an idea...I am 5 foot, my calf is just shy of 14 inces and my ankle is 7.5 inches.

My advice, learn to love it because many seem to want it (body builders get implants!). Then flaunt them! I have received enough complements to learn to love mine!

As for calf to bicep proportion...this is the very first I have ever heard of such a comparison...sorry I am of so little use!;)
What on earth is proportional between the calf and bicep? That is a new one to me.

I think if you want to reduce your calf size, stay away from weighted calf work for starters. Also, you don't have to work your calves in isolation, maybe just with lunges, squats, etc.


My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the hell she is.
--Ellen Degeneres
I'm the same way, Sarah!! I have had people ask me at the grocery store how I get my calves to look so muscular!!! My dh loves it too, so I won't complain. But do you have problems sometimes w/ jeans??? I find that there is NO way that I can wear anything w/ a slimmer leg, I have to get the boot cut or bit of a flare for them to fit my calves!!

You're right, it is genes also, my brothers & I have similarly shaped calves (although they joke that my calves are bigger than theirs!! ;-) )

I've never heard of a comparison between the biceps & calves either??
Thanks Sarah and Jess, I have had people talk at the gym of the proportion that the calf and bicep should be similar in size. I was just very curious, because mine are not in proportion at all.

Sarah, you have an interesting point in the fact that certain jeans will not fit right, I have the same problem, I cannot wear most boots either.

Buying snow-ski boots is a nightmare, as nothing fits!!!!
I love this thread, because I too have huge calves and what I think are tiny ankles, and have always felt embarassed by them. (Not to mention my thighs!) I have very muscular legs and it is definitly genetic, but having them toned and lean is something to be proud of. This is the way I am meant to be!

I am 5'4" my calf is 15" and my ankle 8 1/4" and I think it's more cut that my personal trainer brother! Now, I hadn't heard about the ratio to your bicep, although it may be accurate for ideal proportion. I'm going to ask my bro. (My upperbody is definitely weaker than my lower, and my biceps are 12 1/4")

hi melissa, thanks for the response, i agree with what you say about your thighs being huge too, my thighs are 22" and they are solid muscle, but huge! I cannot even wear tights or leggings because i cannot fit into them with my body size, 5'4" 115 pounds!

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