Prone jack-knife on stability ball.....uhhhhhhhhh


Oh my. I have been doing PUB for a few weeks and I do NOT think that I will EVER be able to do these. I might be calling them by the wrong name, but it is the stability ball work at the end of the workout.

How in the world do you get this one done? I look at Cathe, and I think that even if I did manage to get myself up there, that I would end up flipping over. How may of you can do this, and of those who can, but couldn't at first, how long did it take to gain that kind of strength?

Maybe you have to be born with it?;-)
I am not sure how long it took, but I had grandchildren that would try and crawl under me like I was a bridge. I had to tell them to go sit down till I was done. Didn't want to fall on them. My arms would be shaking. That last little set was so hard. After awhile though I would do it twice to be sure I had it down. Probably a couple of months. They are really tough. Just keep working at it. You will soon get it down.
Diane Sue
I can do them. It doesn't at all feel like I am doing it, but my workout partners swear that I am.

And go figure... I am the one with all the abdominal strength/back issues.....

Janice will get just takes time and practice. Some people do the abs before all the ARM work so they have more strength. I also read some time ago someone posting to concentrate on lifting up your b---...! That seemed to work for me...:)...Carole
Hi Jackie, I now am able to do them after almost a year. It is tough. When you do these try lifting with your butt and hold your core real tight as you lift with your butt.
When I was working out regularly, I could do the pikes after about three months - at least the first set. Now that I've been slacking off, I'm working my way back up to them.

When I do PUB, I do the warmup, then the abs, then the upper body workout. If I try the abs after all those weights, my arms will not hold me up for the pikes.


These are tuff, but you will get them. It took me awhile. Now I love doing them. When I first got them it felt like I was going to fall over, but never did. Hopefully I never will! :eek:

What happened to your picture? You are soo fit. Your picture was an inspiration!

Have a great day!!

I couldn't even do ONE of these until I read some threads and learned the trick to them. Someone here has already mentioned what that trick is: concentrate on lifting your butt, not moving the ball toward you. There were other helpful suggestions in the threads. I found them by running a subject-title search for "pikes". Thanks to those suggestions, I went from not being able to a single one to being able to do just about all of them in PUB.

Keep at it and good luck!


I couldn't do these a month ago. But I started doing a few pikes while my tape was rewinding. I found after practicing 5 to 6 days a week, I can do most of the pikes with Cathe on PUB.
Keep trying, it will come.

ELaine:) :)
I've been doing the Pyramids for 4 weeks now. I can't do them, and I'm strong. I'm not great on the ball in general though.... I have serious balance issues.

Thanks for the tips. They are *very* helpful.

I look like a fish out of water rolling around with the stability ball, *especially* during this pikes section. My kids laugh their heads off. I keep trying though, and hopefully I'll get it one of these days!


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