Hi Wannabfirm, I have several questions for you and a few suggestions:
1: If you play Cathe Live on your iPhone using the iOS app and WiFi does it work correctly?
2: When you say you have 2 networks in your house, do you mean you have two different networks and routers in your house? or do you mean you have two Apple TV's on the same router and network in your house?
3: Have you made sure that you don't accidentally have both the old and new Cathe Live apps installed on your Apple TV? Sometimes I've seen where people have installed the new app, but not uninstalled the old app, they mistakenly click on the old app not realizing that new app is located at the bottom of their screen.
4: Are you using an Apple TV 4+ ? or what model of Apple TV are you using?
5: Have you tried deleting the Cathe Live App and installing the latest app again?
6 : Have you tried to clear your cache? To do this you want to double-tap the home button(it is the Square button on the remote next to the menu button) then go over to the Cathe app and swipe up on it. It will force close it and clear the cache.
If my suggestions don't help, please get back to me with answers to my questions and we will take it from there.